Leslie Alec Lawrence WATSON


WATSON, LESLIE ALEC LAWRENCE (b. Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England, 1 Dec 1908; d. Perth, WA, 16 July 1986). Baptist layman.

Watson exercised significant leadership at state and federal levels in Baptist circles particularly in the fields of home mission and homes for the aged. For most of his working life Watson was employed by Westfarmers retiring as state livestock manager (1956-73). As a result of recommitting his life to Christ during the Conway Crusade at Como Baptist Church in 1965, Watson became increasingly involved in committees of the Baptist Union of WA and the Baptist Union of Australia.

His greatest contributions at the state level were on the Executive Committee and Union Council (1970-86), Home Mission (1974-86) Development and Planning (1972-86), WA Baptist Hospital and Homes Board (1973-86), Advisory Committee (1974-86). He also served on the Evangelism Committee (1974), Youth Ministries (1968-70), Welfare (1981-86), Finance (1972-75, 1983-86), Ministerial Acceptance and Ordination (1983-86), and Youth Camp Committee (1968-69). On three occasions he was elected president of the Baptist Union of WA (1970/71, 1971/2 1980/81). It was through him that the Five Year Plan of 1971-6 was adopted, leading to setting up of the Home Mission Capital Development Fund; establishing of the Gracewood retirement village, building of the Youth Camp at Serpentine; and college extensions.

At the federal level he regularly represented WA at federal board meetings, and held the following positions: State Vice-President (1975-86), member of the Annuity Board Superannuation (1972-74, 1981-85), Board of Christian Education (1972-74), Board of Evangelism (1975-77), Men's Board (1975-83), Home Mission (1978-85), Executive (1984-85), and Church Extension Conference (1975-85). During 1983 he chaired the Committee responsible for the National Baptist Family Convention held in Perth in January, 1984.

While serving the wider community of Baptists, Watson often held office in his local church (South Perth) of which he was made a life deacon. Beyond his own denomination he was involved with a number of interdenominational and community organisations (Gideons, Bible Society, Voluntary Care Association, Southcare, WA Council on the Ageing, Advisory Committee on Residential Care). He was survived by his wife, three daughters, and a son.