
MATHERS, JAMES (b. Lurgan, Co Armagh Ireland, 6 June 1854, d. Sydney, NSW, 12 April 1911). City missionary.

Mathers' parents were Scots and he grew up in the Glasgow area. In 1874 he was converted during the Moody and Sankey mission, joined the Free Church and spent the rest of his life as an active lay missionary to the slums. He worked by day for a railway company and later for construction engineers. In his spare time, he engaged in street preaching and organising bands at Dykehead and later at Motherwell missions.

In response to an accidental and unexpected call, Mathers, his wife Margaret Melrose and five children emigrated to Sydney in 1897. They settled at Mosman and Mathers took up work in The Rocks with the Sydney City Mission for the next 14 years until his death. From his base at the Mission Hall in lower Fort Street, he engaged in open-air meetings, visited the sick and needy with food parcels, provided Sunday breakfasts and ran Sunday evening evangelistic meetings.

The Sydney City Mission Herald 1 May 1911