
SOUTHWELL, THOMAS (b. Saleshurst, Sussex, England, 6 Feb 1813; d. Parkwood, NSW, 31 May 1885). Wesleyan Methodist local preacher.

Southwell was converted under the ministry of the Rev Thomas Collins, Wesleyan Methodist minister in Sandhurst circuit. He emigrated on the Lady Nugent, and arrived in Sydney on 27 November 1838. After living at Cobbity he settled at Ginninderra (now in the ACT) in 1840, and later at Parkwood, where he successfully farmed his property. The locality, noted for its lawlessness, was described as 'a perfect hell before Mr Southwell came to live here'. He established Christian worship in his home and preached at Parkwood and in neighbouring areas. He was instrumental in reforming the community. He gave land on which the first church was built in 1865. His large family exercised a Christian influence in several communities.

Ewart T Chapman, Thomas Southwell of Parkwood, Pioneer Settler: Patriarch: A Father of Methodism (Canberra, 1938); Lyall L Gillespie, The Southwell Family - Pioneers of Canberra District, 1838-1988 (Canberra, 1988)