Douglas Guthrie MCCRAW


MCCRAW, DOUGLAS GUTHRIE (b. Mosman, NSW, 19 July 1920; d. Lae, PNG, 24 Feb 1977). Missionary pilot in Papua New Guinea. 

Doug McCraw grew up in Willoughby, attending St Stephen's Anglican church and was converted in his teenage years while attending a Bible Class run by 'Cairo' Bradley (q.v.). Educated at North Sydney Boys High School, he worked in a stockbroking firm until he joined the RAAF in 1941. In 1943 he was seconded to the RAF as an instructor. He met Joyce Johanson in 1942 and they were married soon after his return to Australia in 1946. In 1947 he entered MTC (ThL, 1949), and was ordained by Abp Mowll in 1950. He served a curacy at Newtown (1950); 1951-4 rector St Matthew's, Windsor, 1954-6 home secretary for Missionary Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in Melbourne; 1956-9 rector St Thomas, Enfield; 1959 offered to MAF and went to PNG to fly for them; 1959 licensed by bp of PNG; 1959-65 rector Wewak and the Highlands; 1966-72 flying the Anglican plane at Port Moresby; 1969-72 flying commercial planes in Port Moresby and Highland areas, in Port Moresby he and his wife ran the Missionary Guest House and he was hon chaplain to Army units; 1972-77 rector Mt Hagen and ran the Missionary Guest House there 1977 was on transfer to Lae and while travelling there by car he was killed in a road accident leaving his wife and three children. 

McCraw's contribution to the evangelical movement was made on two fronts. He was an accepted Anglican evangelical in the diocese of PNG where not many would regard themselves as evangelicals. His close contact with a wide variety of people in flying enabled him to win respect and the right to speak. He had two great loves in his life—his love for Jesus and his love of flying, and he was able to combine these in a remarkable way. In each place where he was stationed he would regularly fly to other centres to minister. He won recognition as a most proficient pilot; leading politicians and business people asked for him to fly them, and with them he shared his faith. He moved easily with people of other convictions without compromise. 

His ministry was wider than the church where he was rector. He was gifted in communicating especially with young people. His ministry was essentially Biblical, and he was called to speak to different groups on many occasions. He organised what were probably the only Beach Missions held at Wewak where he also helped organise the Ralph Bell Crusade. He commended his faith to people by the spontaneous joy he demonstrated in his life, and by his thoroughness, dependability, openness and approachableness.