Alan Lee NEIL


NEIL, ALAN LEE (b. Melbourne, Vic, 30 July 1904; d. Melbourne, Vic, 16 March 1968). Missionary with SSEM and businessman.

Only son of prominent Christian businessman, Edwin Lee Neil (q.v.), Alan Neil was educated at Scotch College and the Melbourne Bible Institute. Believing God was calling him to the ministry, he began studies at Melbourne University; but visiting the Katoomba Convention, he was called to missionary service with SSEM in the Solomon Islands. There he married Frances Grant, great niece of Florence Young (q.v.) SSEM's founder.

A natural linguist, Neil was soon able to communicate readily with islanders in their own languages. Notwithstanding his undoubted gifts for teaching and clear expression, he was dissatisfied, longing for the life of victory and power so clearly portrayed in the NT. This became the quest of his life. Neil and his brother-in-law, Ronald Grant (q.v.) (another SSEM missionary), experienced a vision of the possibilities of a real and continuous walk in the Spirit with God. This led to an outbreak of revival among the islanders in their districts, characterised by deep conviction of sin and release into joy and worship.

In 1937 Neil returned to Australia, and eventually became personnel director of Myer Emporium, where he had a profound Christian influence. A member of St Hilary's Anglican Church, Kew, Neil preached regularly, taught Bible classes, and served as vestryman, warden, and synod representative. The touch of God was upon his life bringing encouragement to many, especially his own family and the small group of friends with whom he was in close fellowship. As a frequent speaker at various Christian groups, Alan Neil's influence and ministry went far beyond the bounds of his family and his parish church. He was survived by his wife and five children.