Helmet, Vans, Or Skateboard Design

Inspiration / Examples


This is a summative assessment. It impacts your grade.

Here is the rubric we have been using for this unit on drawing tablets.

Standard: (ISTE 6: Creative Communicator) Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.

Copy Illustrator Template

  1. Go to the Illustrator template:

  2. If you aren't already signed in to Adobe, click "Sign in" in the top right corner.

  3. Click "Copy to Files"

  4. Open the Creative Cloud desktop app.

  5. Rename: Right-click on the file and click "Rename" to add your last name to the start:

    • "Last Name, ___ Design"

  6. Open: Right-click and click "Open"

  7. Workspace: Adjust your workspace (go to "Window" > "Workspace" > "Essentials Classic")


In the "Layers" panel, select the "Illustration" layer. This is where you will draw your illustration. You can add additional layers but they should always be in between the two template layers.

    • Note there are two "Template" layers. To work, the "Template - Top" needs to stay on top and likewise with the one on the bottom.

Paintbrush Set-up

  1. Paintbrush Tool: Click the "Paintbrush Tool" icon on the left toolbar or click "B" on your keyboard.

  2. No Fill: Make sure the "Fill" color is set to "None"

  3. Stroke Color: Double click the stroke/outline box and choose a color.

  4. Brush: In your "Brushes" panel (click the icon in the right toolbar), double click on the first brush and adjust the size to be "Pressure" and change the variation to up to "5 pt" then click "OK" (you can also make it smaller if you want)

Reference Photos & Copyright

Reference photos can help you understand how real-life 3D things look 2D (on a computer/ on paper), or how to draw in a specific style.

However, because this work is no longer for "practice" and will be displayed and shared out in the world, it is important to keep in mind copyright laws.

  • It is best to find references from copyright-free websites like Pexels.

  • You will need to avoid using trademarked logos, images of celebrities, movies, TV shows, books, songs, and sports teams/mascots in your work or as references.

  • You will also need to avoid using others' unique artwork, drawings, paintings, illustrations, etc. as references.

  • It is best to use multiple references to create your work. Using only one reference for your whole piece is generally not allowed as you are just creating a derivative of someone else's work.

  • You may not simply trace someone else's helmet/vans/skateboard design.

Draw & color

  1. Using the "Paintbrush Tool" and your drawing tablet pen, free-hand draw or trace reference photos.

  2. There are many ways you can add color to your design. Review the instructions from Color Your Floating Island.

Save as .AIC and .PDF

  1. Go to "File" > "Save" to make sure to save your .aic file (if it is grayed out then it is already saved).

  2. Go to "File" > "Save As..."

  3. Choose "On your computer"

  4. Click "Creative Cloud Files" folder on the left menu

  5. Name: "Last Name, ___ Design"

  6. Click "Save"

  7. Click "Save PDF"

  8. Once you save as a .pdf, exit out of Illustrator. If you need to edit again and resave, make sure to edit your .aic file and re-save as a .pdf.

Turn in to Canvas

Turn in your .pdf file on Canvas in the "One Moto Show" assignment.

"I'd Done"

If you have more time in class, check out the "I'm Done" page.