Layered Shapes - Mt. Rainier

Copy Illustrator Template

  1. Go to the Layered Shapes Illustrator template

  2. If you aren't already signed in to Adobe, click "Sign in" in the top right corner.

  3. Click "Copy to Files"

  4. Open the Creative Cloud desktop app.

  5. Right-click on the file and click "Rename"

    • "Last Name, Layered Shapes"

  6. Right-click and click "Open"

  7. Adjust your workspace (go to "Window" > "Workspace" > "Essentials Classic"

Trace/Draw the Trees

  1. In your "Layers" panel on the right side, click on your "Trees and Hills" layer.

  2. Double click the "Fill" square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker" and choose a color for the trees.

  3. Click on the stroke/outline box in black and click the "none" box with the red line through it.

  4. Using your "Pen Tool" trace one of the trees, or draw your own tree.

  5. Make more trees:

    • Click "Ctrl" + "C" to copy and "Ctrl" + "V" to paste so you have around 15 trees. You can also hold down the "Alt" key while clicking and dragging, which will duplicate.

    • To adjust the size of a tree, using the "Selection Tool" hold down "Shift" and click and drag a corner.

    • To move the trees around, use the "Selection Tool"

    • They do not have to be the same spots/sizes as the template.

  6. To adjust the color of a tree: click on a tree and then double click on the "Fill" square to open the "Color Picker"

  7. To move trees in front or behind each other:

    • Right-click on a tree, and click "Arrange"

    • Choose from the options:

      • "Bring to Front"

      • "Bring Forward"

      • "Send Backward"

      • "Send to Back"

Trace/Draw the Hills

  1. Double click the "Fill" square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker" and choose a color for the first hill.

  2. Using your "Pen Tool" trace one of the hills or draw your own hill.

  3. Double click the "Fill" square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker" and choose a color for the other hill.

  4. Using your "Pen Tool" trace the other hill or draw your own hill.

Arrange Trees & Hills

To move trees or hills in front or behind each other:

    1. Right-click on a tree or hill, and click "Arrange"

    2. Choose from the options:

      1. "Bring to Front"

      2. "Bring Forward"

      3. "Send Backward"

      4. "Send to Back"

    3. In your "Layers" panel lock your "Trees and Hills" layer by clicking the empty box next to it.

Trace/Draw the Mountain

  1. In your "Layers" panel on the right side, click on your "Mountain" layer.

  2. Double click the "Fill" square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker" and choose a color for the mountain.

  3. Using your "Pen Tool" trace the mountain or draw your own.

    • Make sure to finish out your trace along the bottom of the page.

  4. In your "Layers" panel, lock your "Mountain" layer by clicking the empty box next to it.

Create the Sun

  1. In your "Layers" panel on the right side, click on your "Sun and Clouds" layer.

  2. Right-click on the "Rectangle Tool" in the left toolbar to bring up the menu and click the "Ellipse Tool"

  3. Double click the "Fill" square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker" and choose a color for the sun.

  4. Hold down "Shift" and click and drag to create a circle that covers the sun in the template.

Create Clouds Pattern

  1. Double click the "Fill" square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker" and choose a color for the clouds.

  2. Use your pen tool to draw a cloud off to the side of your artboard.

  3. Click "Ctrl" + "C" to copy and "Ctrl" + "V" to paste so you have 3 clouds. You can also hold down the "Alt" key while clicking and dragging, which will duplicate.

  4. Adjust the sizes of the clouds.

  5. Select all three clouds and then go to "Object" > "Pattern" > "Make"

  6. Click "OK" if you get a pop-up "The new pattern..."

  7. In the "Pattern Options" panel, try out different settings:

      • Tile Type

      • Brick Offset

      • Width and Height

  8. Once you like how your pattern looks, click "Done" at the top.

  9. Click on the "Rectangle tool" in the left toolbar

  10. Click and drag to create a rectangle that covers your artboard.

  11. Open the "Swatches" panel on the right.

  12. Click the recently made pattern swatch.

  13. In your "Layers" panel, lock your "Sun" layer by clicking the empty box next to it.

Create the Sky

  1. In your "Layers" panel on the right side, click on your "Sky" layer.

  2. Click on the "Rectangle Tool" in the left toolbar

  3. Click and drag to create a rectangle that covers the whole template image.

  4. Double click the "Fill" square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker" and choose a color for the sky.

  5. In your "Layers" panel, lock your "Sky" layer by clicking the empty box next to it.

Make it Unique

Use the time remaining to make your landscape more unique.

Save as .aic and .pdf

  1. Go to "File" > "Save" to make sure to save your .aic file (if it is grayed out then it is already saved).

  2. Go to "File" > "Save As..."

  3. Choose "On your computer"

  4. Click "Creative Cloud Files" folder on the left menu

  5. Name: "Last Name, Layered Shapes"

  6. Click "Save"

  7. Click "Save PDF"

  8. Once you save as a .pdf, exit out of Illustrator. If you need to edit again and resave, make sure to edit your .aic file and re-save as a .pdf.

Turn in to Canvas

Turn in your .pdf file on Canvas in the "Layered Shapes - Mt. Rainier" assignment.