pizza Pattern (Layered shapes)

Pizza: What kind is your favorite?

Pizza is a dish of Italian origin consisting of a flat, round base of dough baked with a topping of tomato sauce and cheese, typically with added meat or vegetables.

Create File, Save as a Cloud file, & Adjust Workspace

  1. Open Adobe Illustrator

  2. Click "Letter"

  3. "File" > "Save as..."

  4. Name: "Last Name, Pizza Pattern"

  5. Make sure to save it as a Cloud file (there will be a cloud icon in your tab and ".aic" at the end).

  6. Adjust your workspace (go to "Window" > "Workspace" > "Essentials Classic")

Create a Background

  1. In your "Layers" panel, rename your "Layer 1" to "Background"

  2. Click on the "Rectangle tool" in the left toolbar

  3. Click and drag to create a rectangle that covers your artboard.

  4. Double click the black square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker"

  5. Choose a color.

  6. Lock your background layer.

Create a Pizza Layer

  1. In your "Layers" panel, click the + to create a new layer.

  2. Rename the "Layer 2" as "Pizza"

Draw Your Crust

  1. Double click the "Fill" square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker" and choose a color for the crust.

  2. Click on the stroke/outline box in black and click the "none" box with the red line through it.

  3. Using your "Pen Tool" draw a triangle for your crust. Remember to create curves, click and hold when you make your point.

Draw Your Sauce

  1. Double click the "Fill" square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker" and choose a color for the sauce.

  2. Using your "Pen Tool" draw a triangle for your sauce that is shorter than your crust.

Draw Your Cheese

  1. Double click the "Fill" square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker" and choose a color for the cheese.

  2. Using your "Pen Tool" draw a triangle with waves at the top for your cheese.

Draw Your Toppings

  1. Double click the "Fill" square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker" and choose a color for the topping(s).

  2. Using your "Pen Tool" draw the topping(s) of your choosing.

Group Together Your Pizza

  1. Select your crust, sauce, cheese, and toppings:

    • Hold down "Shift" and click on everything, or

    • Click outside of the pizza, hold, drag, and let go on the other side of the pizza.

  2. Right-click and click "Group"

Copy Pizza Slices

  1. Click on your pizza slice.

  2. Click "Ctrl" + "C" to copy and "Ctrl" + "V" to paste - then paste again to create three total slices.

Make a Pattern Swatch

  1. Select all of your pizza slices

  2. Click "Object" > "Pattern" > "Make"

  3. Click "OK" if you get a pop-up "The new pattern..."

Adjust Pattern & Save

  1. In the "Pattern Options" panel, try out different settings:

    • Tile Type

    • Brick Offset

    • Width and Height

  2. Once you like how your pattern looks, click "Done" at the top

  3. In your "Layers" panel lock and hid your "Pizza" layer:

    • Click the empty box to lock it

    • Click the eye icon to hide it

Create a Pattern Layer

  1. In your "Layers" panel, click the + to create a new layer.

  2. Rename the "Layer 3" as "Pattern"

Apply Pattern

  1. Click on the "Rectangle tool" in the left toolbar

  2. Click and drag to create a rectangle that covers your artboard.

  3. Open the "Swatches" panel on the right.

  4. Click the recently made pattern swatch.

Save as .aic and .pdf

  1. Go to "File" > "Save" to make sure to save your .aic file (if it is grayed out then it is already saved).

  2. Go to "File" > "Save As..."

  3. Choose "On your computer"

  4. Click "Creative Cloud Files" folder on the left menu

  5. Name: "Last Name, Pizza Pattern"

  6. Click "Save"

  7. Click "Save PDF"

  8. Once you save as a .pdf, exit out of Illustrator. If you need to edit again and resave, make sure to edit your .aic file and re-save as a .pdf.

Turn in to Canvas

Turn in your .pdf file on Canvas in the "Pizza Pattern (Layered Shapes)" assignment.

More time in class?

If you have more time in class, your options are:

  • Start a new Illustrator file and practice drawing shapes with the pen tool

  • Play the Bezier Game online and screenshot your best score (email to Mrs. Hodges to add the scoreboard)

  • Help a classmate with the assignment