Final Portfolio

Continued from: Portfolio Selection

This is a continuation from "Draft Portfolio" and "Portfolio Selection" assignments. If you have not completed them make sure to complete the necessary steps.

Standard and Rubric


Analyze, select, and critique personal artwork for a collection or portfolio presentation.


  1. Open the Creative Cloud Desktop app.

  2. Locate our recent project files:

      • PGSF Poster Contest

      • Illustrated Instructions Poster

  3. Right-click and then click "Download"

  4. Select your "Downloads" folder

  5. This will download an .ai file (this is important)

Find Google Drive Folder

Go to your Google Drive > "Graphic Design Work" > "Portfolio" (from the "Draft Portfolio" and "Portfolio Selection" assignments).

Update Work

For the "Portfolio Selection" assignment, you chose 1-2 categories you wanted to improve. Now that we have completed 2 more projects, it's time to finalize your portfolio. Add/swap projects with the recent ones:

  • PGSF Poster Contest

  • Illustrated Instructions Poster

Required Categories

You need to have 6 total projects in your portfolio. The required categories for your portfolio are:

  • 1 Shape-based / Pattern

  • 1 Line drawing

  • 1 Typography

  • 1 Client Project

  • 2 Illustrations

Rename Files

  1. Right-click on each file and click "Rename"

  2. Name as the category title (ex: "Shape-based/" "")

Submit to Canvas

  1. In your Google Drive, click "Portfolio" and click "Share"

  2. Click "Copy Link"

  3. In the "Final Portfolio" Canvas assignment, click "Start Assignment"

  4. In the "Text Entry" space, paste ("Ctrl" + "V") your link in the text box.

  5. Press the space bar so that the link turns into a hyperlink (blue / underlined)

  6. Click "Submit Assignment"