Type Foundry Poster

Learn about Type Foundries

    1. What is a type foundry?

      • A type foundry is a company that designs or distributes typefaces.

      • Foundry: a workshop for casting metal.

      • Before digital typography, type foundries manufactured and sold metal and wood typefaces.

    2. See what a modern type foundry's work can look like by watching the video by Fontfabric Type Foundry.

Choose & Reserve a Foundry

  1. Take a look at the "All foundries" section at: https://fonts.adobe.com/foundries

    • Click on a foundry, read about it, and look at their fonts.

    • Find a few that you are interested in.

  2. Check to see which foundries are still available (green highlight means available) on the Google Sheets Adobe Type Foundries List.

  3. Once Mrs. Hodges has the list of the foundries projected on the board up front, raise your hand and call out which available foundry you want. Mrs. Hoges will add your name and period to reserve it for you.

Activate a Font

  1. Once Mrs. Hodges has reserved the foundry of your choice, go back to the foundry's page on Adobe Fonts.

  2. Click on one of their fonts that you like.

  3. Activate the font by clicking the circle bar next to "Activate # fonts"

Create Illustrator File

  1. Open Adobe Illustrator

  2. Click "New File" and adjust the details:

    • Name your file "Last Name, Type Foundry Poster"

    • Adjust the units to be "Inches"

    • Width: 8.5 in

    • Height: 11 in

    • Orientation: Vertical

    • Artboards: 1

  3. Click "Create"

Save as Cloud File

  1. "File" > "Save as..."

  2. Name: "Last Name, Type Foundry Poster"

  3. Make sure to save it as a Cloud file (there will be a cloud icon in your tab and ".aic" at the end).

Adjust Workspace

  1. Adjust your workspace (go to "Window" > "Workspace" > "Essentials Classic"

Create a Background

  1. In your "Layers" panel, rename your "Layer 1" to "Background"

  2. Click on the "Rectangle tool" in the left toolbar

  3. Click and drag to create a rectangle that covers your artboard.

  4. Double click the black square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker"

  5. Choose a color.

  6. Lock your background layer.

Create a Text Layer

  1. In the "Layers" panel, create a new layer by clicking the "+" and name it "Text"

Add The foundry title

  1. Use the Type Tool to create a new text box.

  2. Copy and paste the title of your font foundry.

  3. Highlight your text and click "Character" at the top. Type in the name of the font you activated from your foundry.

  4. Adjust the size of the font.

    • minimum: 100 pt.

Add A sentence about the foundry

  1. Use the Type Tool to create a second text box.

  2. Choose a sentence from the description on your foundry's page.

  3. Copy and paste the sentence into the text box.

  4. Highlight your text and click "Character" at the top. Type in the name of the font you activated from your foundry.

  5. Adjust the size of the font.

    • minimum size: 50 pt.

  6. Click "Paragraph" at the top next to "Character" and uncheck "Hyphenate"

Add The Font Name & Location

  1. Use the Type Tool to create a third text box.

  2. Type out: "Font: " then type your font's name.

  3. Click enter and type out the location of your font foundry.

  4. Highlight your text and click "Character" at the top. Type in the name of the font you activated from your foundry.

  5. Adjust the size of the font.

    • minimum size: 24 pt.

  6. Move the text box to the bottom right area of your page.

Make Your Poster Unique

  1. For the rest of the period, you should use and try out other tools in Illustrator to make your poster unique.

  2. Once there is only 5 minutes left in class, then continue on to the next step.


  1. Go to "File" > "Save" to make sure to save your .aic file (if it is grayed out then it is already saved).

  2. Go to "File" > "Save As..."

  3. Choose "On your computer"

  4. Click "Creative Cloud Files" folder on the left menu

  5. Name: "Last Name, Type Foundry Poster"

  6. Click "Save"

  7. Click "Save PDF"

  8. Once you save as a .pdf, exit out of Illustrator. (If you need to edit again and resave, make sure to edit your .aic file and re-save as a .pdf.)

Turn in to Canvas

  1. Turn in your .jpg file on Canvas in the "Type Foundry Poster" assignment.