FonT Final Poster

Font Draft

To complete this project you need to have completed the Font Draft assignment.

Review Font Posters

Font posters are made to communicate a designer's font and show how it can be used.

  1. Choose one of the three typography awards galleries below and click through to the website to review the font posters.

  2. Look for ideas about how you want to show your font!

Copy illustrator Template

  1. Go to the Final Font Poster Template

  2. If you aren't already signed in to Adobe, click "Sign in" in the top right corner.

  3. Click "Copy to Files"

  4. Open the Creative Cloud desktop app.

  5. Right-click on the file and click "Rename"

    • "Last Name, Final Font Poster"

  6. Right-click and click "Open"

Adjust Your Workspace

  1. Adjust your workspace (go to "Window" > "Workspace" > "Essentials Classic"

Add Your Font & Words

  1. Hold down shift and click on each text box.

  2. Click on "Character" at the top and search for your font's name (it should be your first name at the start)

  3. Think of three words to replace the "WORD Word WORD" at the top. The words should relate to your font's theme/style. The minimum text size is 100 pt. for these. You can make them bigger if you want.

  4. The minimum text size is 24 pt. for the punctuation, numbers, upper case, and lowercase characters at the bottom. You can make them bigger if you want.

  5. In the "Layers" window, click the empty square next to the "Text" layer to lock it.

Find an Image

  1. Go to

  2. Find an image that relates to your font's theme/style.

  3. Right-click and click "Copy image"

  4. In your Illustrator file, in the "Layers" window, click the lock next to the "Image" layer to unlock it

  5. Click "Ctrl" + "V" to paste your image or click "Edit" > "Paste"

  6. Hold down "Shift" and use your selection tool to adjust the size of your image to fit the page.

  7. In the "Layers" window, click the empty square next to the "Image" layer to lock it.

Choose a Color

  1. In the "Layers" window, click the lock next to the "Color" layer to unlock it.

  2. Click on the gray rectangle.

  3. Double click the black square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker"

Save as .aic and .pdf

  1. Go to "File" > "Save" to make sure to save your .aic file (if it is grayed out then it is already saved).

  2. Go to "File" > "Save As..."

  3. Choose "On your computer"

  4. Click "Creative Cloud Files" folder on the left menu

  5. Name: "Last Name, Font Final Poster"

  6. Click "Save"

  7. Click "Save PDF"

  8. Once you save as a .pdf, exit out of Illustrator. If you need to edit again and resave, make sure to edit your .aic file and re-save as a .pdf.

Turn in to Canvas

  1. Turn in your .pdf file on Canvas in the "Font Final Poster" assignment.