Forms (Drawing Tablet)

Wacom Tablet Set up

If you have not already set up the Wacom tablet, make sure to follow the steps from Drawing Tablet: Lines and Shapes.

Copy Illustrator Template

  1. Go to the Forms (Drawing Tablet) Illustrator Template

  2. If you aren't already signed in to Adobe, click "Sign in" in the top right corner.

  3. Click "Copy to Files"

  4. Open the Creative Cloud desktop app.

  5. Rename: Right-click on the file and click "Rename" to add your last name to the start:

    • "Last Name, Forms (Drawing Tablet)"

  6. Open: Right-click and click "Open"

  7. Workspace: Adjust your workspace (go to "Window" > "Workspace" > "Essentials Classic")

Choose a Drawing Reference

To pick a reference for your drawing, either:

    • Choose one on the left and click and drag it over to the artboard

    • Find a different drawing online (needs to have highlights and shadows and be similar complexity)

    • Free hand draw something

Lock Template Layer

  1. Lock "Template" Layer: In the "Layers" panel, click the empty square to the left of the "Template" layer to lock it.

Paintbrush Tool Setup

  1. Paintbrush Tool: Click the "Paintbrush Tool" icon on the left toolbar or click "B" on your keyboard.

  2. No Fill: Make sure the "Fill" color is set to "None"

  3. Stroke Color: Double click the stroke/outline box and choose a color.

  4. Brush: In your "Brushes" panel (click the icon in the right toolbar), make sure the first brush is selected (" 2 pt pressure")

Using the Tablet Pen

  1. Hold the tablet pen how you hold a pencil.

  2. When you press the tablet pen tip down on the tablet within the lit-up corners, you should see your paintbrush move on the screen.

The harder you press the pen onto the tablet, the thicker the line gets and the lighter you press, the thinner the line will be. This is because the brush is set up to be pressure sensitive for the size.

Trace the Drawing

  1. Using the "Paintbrush Tool" and your tablet pen, practice drawing forms by tracing the drawing, including the shadows.

Hide Template

Hide "Template": In your "Layers" panel, click the rectangle next to the "Template" layer to hide it.

Add a Background Color

  1. In your "Layers" panel, click the "Background" layer

  2. Click on the "Rectangle tool" in the left toolbar

  3. Click and drag to create a rectangle that covers your artboard.

  4. Double click the black square on the bottom of the left toolbar to open the "Color Picker"

  5. Choose a color.

Save as .AIC and .PDF

  1. Go to "File" > "Save" to make sure to save your .aic file (if it is grayed out then it is already saved).

  2. Go to "File" > "Save As..."

  3. Choose "On your computer"

  4. Click "Creative Cloud Files" folder on the left menu

  5. Name: "Last Name, Forms (Drawing Tablet)"

  6. Click "Save"

  7. Click "Save PDF"

  8. Once you save as a .pdf, exit out of Illustrator. If you need to edit again and resave, make sure to edit your .aic file and re-save as a .pdf.

Turn in to Canvas

Turn in your .pdf file on Canvas in the "Forms (Drawing Tablet)" assignment.

"I'm Done"

If you have more time in class, check out the "I'm Done" page.