Highlights and Shadows Practice

Copy Illustrator Template

  1. Go to the Highlights and Shadows Practice Template

  2. If you aren't already signed in to Adobe, click "Sign in" in the top right corner.

  3. Click "Copy to Files"

  4. Open the Creative Cloud desktop app.

  5. Right-click on the file and click "Rename"

    • "Last Name, Highlights and Shadows Practice"

  6. Right-click and click "Open"

  7. Adjust your workspace (go to "Window" > "Workspace" > "Essentials Classic")

Zoom In

Hold "Crtl" and click "+" to zoom in to view the purple spheres.


  1. Example: Take a look at the example sphere with the highlight and shadow already placed.

  2. Place Shadows: Click on the shadow shape above the second sphere. Move it down to the sphere. To turn it to adjust for the angle of the light, hover over the corner until you see a corner double arrow.

  3. Place Highlights: Do the same for the highlight shape.

  4. Repeat for each sphere depending on where the light is coming from.


  1. Duplicate cone: Hold down "alt" and click and drag to create two additional copies of a cone. Place one on top of the other, but slightly shifted to the side.

  2. Open Pathfinder: Go to "Window" > "Pathfinder"

  3. Minus Front: Select your two cones, then in the "Pathfinder" window, click the second icon in the top row "Minus Front"

  4. Duplicate: Hold down "alt" and click and drag to create an additional piece.

  5. Reflect: Right-click on one and click "Transform" > "Reflect". Choose "Vertical" and click "OK"

  6. Eyedropper color: With the right side shape selected, click the "Eyedropper" tool, and using the eyedropper, click on the shadow on a sphere. Do the same with the left side shape but click on the highlight.

  7. Place Shadow and Highlight: Move the highlight and shadow onto the cone.

Repeat for the second cone with the opposite light.

Gem & Cube

  1. Place Light: Move the light and rotate to one of the four corners.

  2. Choose Color: Select the entire gem, double-click the "Fill" square on the left toolbar, and pick a light color for the gem.

  3. Darker Color: Select all sides of the gem, except the side closest to the light. Double-click on the "Fill" square and pick a slightly darker shade of the color.

  4. Darker Color: Select the three sides not touching the lightest color and double-click on the "Fill" square to pick a slightly darker shade.

  5. Darkest Color: Select the side farthest from the light and double-click the "Fill" square to pick a slightly darker shade.

  6. Repeat for Cube: Repeat the same process for the cube.

Seattle Skyline

  1. Trace Buildings: Use the "Pen Tool" to roughly trace the different colors of the buildings on the Seattle skyline.

  2. Color with Eyedropper: Use the "Eyedropper Tool" to get the colors of the buildings either from the photo or the example on the right.

Turn in to Canvas

Turn in your .pdf file on Canvas in the "Highlights and Shadows Practice" assignment.

"I'm Done"

If you have more time in class, check out the "I'm Done" page.