Draft Portfolio

Project Brief

You will be creating a portfolio of your best projects. This is the first step.

If you earn a grade of an A both semesters, this portfolio will also be used to gain FREE CTE Dual Credit with Clark College.

Standard and Rubric


Analyze, select, and critique personal artwork for a collection or portfolio presentation.

Project List

Here is a list of all our larger summative projects from the 1st and 2nd semesters.

Set up a Google Drive Folder

  1. Log in to Google Drive.

  2. If you weren't here during 1st semester (on Jan. 26), in your Google Drive, create a new folder titled "Graphic Design Work"

  3. If you already have a "Graphic Design Work" Google Drive folder from last semester, open the folder. Make sure to organize it so any projects other than the 3 listed for 1st period in the Project List above are showing. You can make a folder that says "Other" for anything else.

This is where you will upload all your project files to keep for future reference.

Download .ai Project files from Creative Cloud

  1. Open the Creative Cloud Desktop app.

  2. Locate a project file you want to download.

  3. Right-click and then click "Download"

  4. Select your "Downloads" folder

  5. This will download an .ai file (this is important)

  6. Repeat for each project file until you have downloaded them all.

Upload .ai files to Your Google Drive Folder

  1. Open your "Downloads" folder on your computer and your Google Drive folder on Chrome.

  2. Select all your recently downloaded .ai files in your "Downloads" folder

  3. Click and drag them into your Google Drive folder

Share Google Drive Folder

  1. Click the "Graphic Design Work" with the down arrow on Google Drive

  2. Click "Share"

  3. Click "Share with Vancouver School District"

  4. Click "Copy Link"

Post Link in Canvas Discussion

  1. In the Canvas discussion: "Draft Portfolio" click "Reply"

  2. Paste ("Ctrl" + "V") your link in the text box.

  3. Press the space bar so that the link turns into a hyperlink (blue / underlined)

  4. Click "Post Reply"

Provide Critique 3 Peers

  1. Refresh your page.

  2. Identify a peer who does not have 3 critiques yet.

  3. Click on their Google Drive folder link.

  4. Identify 3 of their projects that you think are the best.

  5. Click "Reply" on their discussion.

  6. Type the names of the three projects.

  7. Click "Post Reply"

Repeat for 2 other peers.