Sibol Network: An Informational and Educational Campaign to Address the State of Mental Health of College Students in Metro Manila Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic

Monique Nieva

The Covid-19 Pandemic poses a threat to the state of mental health of Filipino college students. Despite this, students and professionals have raised concerns over a lack of consolidated, easily accessible resources. From the information gathered, students need help in coping with the effects of the pandemic, whether through professional care or self-care guides for coping. The concerns of unfamiliarity and inaccessibility of mental health resources needs to be addressed.

With this, the researcher is pitching an informational and Educational campaign through a series of infographics that aims to address the information gaps with easily accessible and calming graphics. The Sibol Network is a resource directory that provides information on professional mental health care, self care guides, and other mental health information, all readily compiled on one website where college students are free to comment and contribute.

Monique is an illustrator and designer based in Metro Manila.

