Social Media Campaign to Promote Startup Local Brand During the Pandemic

Caitlin Salvaña

With the world facing the Coronavirus pandemic, businesses are being forced to shift online to adapt and with this they are now in competition with those who have long strengthened their online presence. Businesses such as 18 Degrees Frozen Yogurt have been negatively affected by the Covid pandemic, especially in the first few months. With many businesses closing, both permanent and temporary, they were able to survive by partnering with online food delivery services, working with SMIs, and increasing their social media presence. This study seeks to help the young brand, 18 Degrees Frozen Yogurt, find ways in how a brand can achieve relevance in social media amidst this Coronavirus Pandemic. Through this research, 18 Degrees Frozen Yogurt, and brands alike, shall be guided into their social media campaigns and how to reach and engage with their followers during this Coronavirus pandemic; such as: using their social media to post social protocols, how to help cope with staying at home, health reminders, and other current issues. It shall be done by using these important and serious matters and creating a fun yet informative and or creative twist on such matters.

The campaign shall be encouraging the health-related, safety and protocols, such as staying at home and using online food delivery services rather than going out. This campaign shall be of help, to businesses affected by the pandemic, in gaining online social capital through their social media campaign and posts. In the campaign, visuals for posts such as “Yoga is Yogurt,” Home is where yogurt is,” and “Safe, fit, and healthy” shall be done. This campaign shall also aim to engage the brand’s social media audience into creating brand-related content or post their 18 Degrees stories from home, with the hashtag #18DegreesJustATapAway, and a few chosen winners will be featured on the brand’s social media account and be given one free topping for their Frozen Yogurt; by doing so, social media users will be promoting the brand themselves in their personal accounts and inturn be a word of mouth for the brand. It aims for people to be able to see 18 Degrees Frozen Yogurt as relevant in social media, enough for them to follow the page or account. As a result, the followers would easily be updated on the company’s posts, products, and campaigns; thus increasing the company’s social capital.

Caitlin Salvaña is an interdisciplinary artist from Cebu City. She is a performer by heart and has been interested in studio arts from a young age. She is fascinated in realism and portraiture. Studying Visual Communication has pushed her out of her comfort zone allowing her to explore the world of digital illustrations.

Instagram: @caitlinissmm