University Entrance

University & Conservatoire Music Courses & Awards

Key skills developed by the A level Music course and valued by universities/employers

When applying to university and writing your personal statement, consider referring to activities and learning you have undertaken within your A level courses and the skills you have developed as a result. Skills developed by the A level music course may include:

Further preparation for university music courses

To give all students fair access to university courses, for subjects such as music, competitive universities make clear that no special tuition is required to succeed at interview or in entrance tests. Rather, completing the A level, IB or Pre-U courses to the highest possible standard (a standard which many students will not achieve) is the most important way both to prepare for a competitive academic undergraduate music course and to set oneself apart from other candidates. The knowledge and experience required to achieve an A* at A level is the same as that required to begin a competitive university music course. The purpose of further study at sixth form beyond the A level course is not to gain additional knowledge (which, given the variety in undergraduate music course content, may or may not be useful at university), but to demonstrate that, like the best undergraduate students, the candidate is capable of independently studying subject matter and, without adult intervention, producing work which reflects this study. 

The information on this page is intended only as an introduction to university and conservatoire music courses and awards. If you are interested in studying music at a university or conservatoire, there is no better preparation than visiting the undergraduate music pages of your prospective universities' or conservatoires' websites, then reading and understanding in detail the:

Music course and award details and deadlines change all the time. Whilst the information on this page was correct at the time of publication, it is vital that you check the websites of your chosen universities or conservatoires for up to date application information.

This information was correct at the time of publication.Candidates music check university and conservatoire sites for updates.
1University Music Courses and Awards Key Dates.pdf

This information was correct at the time of publication.Candidates music check university and conservatoire sites for updates.