Friends of Tiffin Music Privacy Notice


This Privacy Notice sets out what personal data we, The Friends of Tiffin Music (Charity no. 1081619 and known as FOTM) hold about our members and how we use it. We are required by data protection law to give you the information in this Privacy Notice.

When you join FOTM, you provide us with the following information:

· your contact details, including your name, address, telephone number and email address

· your bank details, if you choose to pay your membership fee by standing order,

· your gift aid declaration, if you chose to make a donation or pay your subscription through gift aid.

We may also create a limited amount information about you in the course of our normal activities. For example, if you volunteer to help at events, we may include your name on a rota and if you attend a FOTM committee meeting or AGM or become a FOTM committee member, your contributions to the meetings may be recorded in the minutes.

The reasons that we hold and use information about you are as as follows:

· to record subscription payments, operate member concert ticket discounts and to process subscription standing orders, if you have chosen to pay via standing order

· to collect gift aid on your subscription or donations, if you have elected to use it

· to organise music-related events run by FOTM and/or Tiffin School, for example co-ordinating volunteers to run a bar at a school concert or administering ticketing to a fund-raising quiz

· to keep you informed of our activities and fund raising and to tell you about Tiffin School music-related events and Music Department news,

· for administration purposes.

These purposes are in our legitimate interests, in that they enable us to support the study and performance of music at Tiffin School by raising money, organising events, keeping members informed of our activities and creating a community of parents supporting music at the school.

The Friends of Tiffin Music is the “controller” for the purposes of data protection law. We keep your personal data secure and we will not share your information with anyone, except HMRC (if you have elected to use Gift Aid) in accordance with the requirements of the Gift Aid declaration. We will delete information held about you within 3 months of you ending your membership FOTM, or earlier if we no longer need it.

You can email us on to ask a question about your information or to ask us to remove, correct or stop using your information. You can also ask us to provide you with a copy of the information we hold about you.

Note too that you have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues. Details of how to contact the ICO can be found on their website:

Please note that we may, from time to time, update this Privacy Notice.