Individual Music Practice

All pupils who receive individual music lessons are expected to practise regularly: a minimum of four, 20-30 minute individual practice sessions each week. One of the best ways to practise is to participate in one or more of the weekly ensemble rehearsals which take place every day in the music department. Pupils may also complete individual music practice at school.

Individual Music Practice at School

  • Pupils may use the music practice rooms (93, 94, 95a, 96, 97, Annexe) music classrooms (88, 95) and music rehearsal spaces (Walden Hall, Main Hall) for individual music practice before school, at break and lunchtimes, during study periods and after school.

  • Pupils do not require permission to use these rooms for individual music practice: they may practice alone in these rooms on a first-come first-served basis whenever they find the room empty.

  • Pupils may, in some circumstances, be given permission to use these rooms for group music practice. In these circumstances the rooms may be used only by those pupils making music: any found not to be making music will be asked to leave.

  • These rooms may not be booked by pupils. When a room is required by a member of staff for a timetabled lesson or rehearsal, pupils must leave.

  • These rooms are most frequently available before 8:30am and after 3:50pm. Between 4 and 5:30pm pupils are normally guaranteed to find an empty room in which to practice.

  • These rooms are least frequently available between 8:30am and 3:50pm. During the school day, lessons are timetabled to take place in most music rooms at most times.

  • Equipment found in the music rooms, including pianos, drum kits, large percussion, double basses, acoustic guitars and amplifiers, must be returned to their original positions after use. Guitars must be hung on the hooks provided. Any instrument labelled with another pupil's name must not be used .

  • If additional amplifiers are required, they must be borrowed only from the music studio (Room 86), no other room, and must be returned after use.

  • Other than these items, pupils must provide their own equipment, including all portable instruments, instrument leads and drum sticks. Any pupil unable to obtain and carry their own guitar lead or drum sticks is considered unsuitably qualified to play these instruments.

  • Pupils may sit only on chairs, not on tables, musical instruments or music stands.

  • Eating, drinking, socialising and phone use are not acceptable. Pupils found to be using the music rooms for anything other than music making will be asked to leave.

  • Music practice rooms, rehearsal rooms or classrooms which have been locked may not be used by pupils. Keys to unlock music rooms may be used only by members of staff and may not be used by pupils.

  • The purpose of this policy is to make Tiffin School's music spaces and equipment reliable, accessible, practical and pleasant for the many pupils and staff who, each day, rely on them for their musical education and development.

  • If you are annoyed to find music furniture and equipment broken or missing, remember that it has been damaged or removed by pupils like you. If you respect and return furniture and equipment after use it then will remain usable now and in the future.