Year 7 Inter-Form Choir Competition

7pm Thursday 19th October 2023

All Saints' Church, The Market Place, Kingston, KT1 1JP


Singing is a very important part of life at Tiffin. In his first year, every Year 7 pupil sings, both in music lessons and outside the classroom.

The Inter-Form Choir Competition is the first performance in which all Year 7 pupils participate. Held every year in the Autumn Term, each Year 7 form prepares a song during their music lessons. In the competition, each form presents their song to parents, to other pupils, and to an external adjudicator. The form who give the most accurate, expressive, technically proficient and (most importantly) musical performance are declared the winners.


In addition to other music homework set by your teacher in September and October, you must prepare to perform your song alongside other members of your class. You must:

To help you do this, you should use the resources below, which include:

Inter-Form Choir Competition Lyrics, Sheet Music and Rehearsal Tracks

Inter-Form Choir Competition Performances

Inter-Form Choir Competition Rehearsal Tracks 2020