A-level Compositional Techniques

Study Bach's style by printing, playing and analysing (using roman numerals) these chorale harmonisations. When completing chorale harmonisation exercises, borrow harmonisations from the chorales you have studied below. 

Identify the melodic shape of the cadence you are harmonising (e.g. a stepwise descending melody of mediant, supertonic, tonic can be labelled '321''). Use the Chorale Cadence Catalogue to find similar melodies in Bach's chorales, and study the chords used by Bach. 'Borrow' these chords to complete your own harmonisation.

Edited Sam Thyr 2020Identify the melodic shape of the cadence you are harmonising (e.g. a stepwise descending melody of mediant, supertonic, tonic can be labelled '321''). Use the Chorale Cadence Catalogue to find similar melodies in Bach's chorales. 'Borrow' these chords to complete your own harmonisation.

Consider using the following guidelines when harmonising chorales in the style of J.S. Bach. Although Bach himself does not always follow these simplified conventions, applying them to your own work may help you to avoid common mistakes.  

Extract from Edexcel A level Music 

Exam Specification Issue 7

Extract from Edexcel A level Music 

Administrative Support Guide 2023

Controlled Conditions

*Typically, students are offered more than 15 hours during which they may choose to work under controlled conditions to complete their A level music technical study. Students may use up to any 6 (or 7.5 @ 25% Extra Time) of these hours.

*During the first/second week, following their first period of controlled conditions, most students will complete further preparatory study during lessons, coursework clinics and as homework (outside controlled conditions).

*During the second/third week, following their preparatory study, most students will choose to work under controlled conditions to notate their final answer for no more than 2-3 hours.

*Most students will choose not to work under controlled conditions for the 6 (7.5) hour period in its entirety.

*Students are given freedom in their use of time under controlled conditions to suit them, meaning that...

*Some students who make careful use of the time offered may choose to work under controlled conditions for the 6 (7.5) hour period in its entirety.

*Other students however, who make careless use of the time offered, may miss the opportunity to work under controlled conditions for the period they desire.

*Students must therefore use the time they desire with care, and BEFORE the submission deadline.

*Students MUST NOT plan to complete their work in the days immediately preceding the deadline. These times must be reserved for emergencies (such as absences due to illness etc).

*Deadlines are set by the exam board and cannot be extended. Delaying the submission of work jeopardises the grades not only of the student concerned but of all students, which is unacceptable.

Chorale Past Papers

Print and complete these past paper questions. Compare your solutions with Bach's own harmonisations.

Chorale Harmonisation Exercises

Print and complete these exercises. Compare your solutions with Bach's own harmonisations.

All Compositional Techniques Resources