A-level Question 6: Analysis of a Set Work Using A Score

Recommended Essay Structure

Very short introduction contextualising the set work (2-3 sentences max)

Paragraph 1: Element of Music 1

a) Sentence 1: Describe and contextualise

Describe: using musical vocabulary identify/describe the feature relating to the element of music

Contextualise: comment ‘…which is typical/atypical/advanced/conservative for that period/genre/style’

b) Sentence 2: Effect

Comment ‘The effect of this is to…’ Describe the effect / composer’s intended effect of this feature on the music.

c) Sentence 3: Comparison

Comment ‘This is similar to/different from X (composer & title) composed earlier/later/during the same/Baroque/Classical/Romantic period in which…’.

For each element of music, to complete the paragraph, follow steps (a)-(c) at least four times, identifying at least four features relating to that element, spending no more than 12 minutes.

Paragraph 2: Element of Music 2

Follow steps (a)-(c) at least four times, identifying at least four features relating to that element, spending no more than 12 minutes.

Paragraph 3: Element of Music 3

Follow steps (a)-(c) at least four times, identifying at least four features relating to that element, spending no more than 12 minutes.

Question 6 Analysis of a Set Work Advice from Examiners Report 2022 Examiners Report

*Whilst no compulsory time-length is given to complete Q5, the examiner recommends that candidates spend at least 70 minutes on Section B, which could be a minimum of 30 minutes on Q5 and 40 minutes on Q6.

Successful Essays

The most successful essays:

*Are organised into three balanced paragraphs, each discussing a different element of music.

*Identify features which illustrate the composer’s use of the three specified elements in the set work.

*Describe and explain each feature using technical vocabulary, demonstrating a strong grasp.  

*Give musical explanations of the effect of each feature observed.

*Make links between the set work and the context in which it was created.

*Make links, embedded consistently throughout the essay, between the set work and other relevant pieces of music, giving a short explanation as to how the feature is used in the related piece.

*Are written as a discussion (as opposed to a list of features) using analytical and appraising skills to make evaluative and critical judgements.

Unsuccessful Essays

The least successful essays:

*Provide a list of vocabulary and musical features which occur in the piece without describing them or explaining their effect on the music as a whole.

*Are imbalanced in their discussion of the three musical elements: favouring one/two elements at the expense/omission of the other(s).

*Demonstrate an over-reliance on the illustrative pages of the score provided in the resource booklet, treating it as a source document to be worked through chronologically during the exam.

*Focus only on the illustrative pages of the score provided in the resource booklet (representing only a third of the work/movement): candidates are expected to discuss the specified work or movement in its entirety (including parts for which the score has not been provided).

*Give a chronological account of the set work, leading to repetition and imbalance between the elements.

*Discuss elements not featured in the question.

*Discuss movements not featured in the question.

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2022 A level Music Unit 3 Appraising Examiners' Report

X2022 A level Music Appraising Examiners Report.pdf
Music Essay Feedback Form.pdf
1Set Works Revision Table (Print Copy).pdf