Assemblage Sculpture


Final Product

Artist Statement

The main idea that guided this artwork was creating a sculpture out of recycled materials. I had Marry Poppins in my head because I've always liked drawings of her floating on her umbrella. I scrolled through pinterest and got some inspiration and I decided I wanted to add a sort of romantic element to my sculpture. I got the idea to make a sculpture of a man and woman floating on an umbrella.

The materials I used to create this work was wire, painters tape, and paper mache. I used elmer's glue, water, and newspaper to make my paper mache.

The process for creating this work started with using the wire to create 2D people. I made the umbrella and the woman's dress 3D but besides that everything else was 2D. I then used painters tape to add shape to the figures and make the people 3D and fill in the gaps on the dress and the umbrella. After this I ripped up newspaper into small shreds and then creating my paper mache by mixing 1/4 cup of water and a bottle of elmer's glue. I then covered everything in paper mache and let it dry. I did two layers of paper mache.