2D Design


Earth club


Something in the Orange Tells Me You're Never Coming Home

I'm Still on That Tightrope

Where Is My Mind?

Lights Out

Semester O1 Reflection.

In this class, I learned how to do digital art. I learned about programs such as photoshop and photoshop illustrator. This was the first time I'd ever done digital art and I learned how different it is. Stepping into digital art also taught me a bit about advertising in art. For instance, when we had to make digital logos for certain words or things about FHS, it taught me a lot about how to catch a viewer's eye and what aspects of art make it intriguing. I also learned to experiment with size, subject, and material. In the last art class I took, foundations of art, most of the work we did was very structured with specific limits and rules. In this class, I learned to step into my creative side and played around with new materials and mixed media. In this class, I learned to explore and take risks in my art. I think this is most reflected in my final piece Where Is My Mind? That art project was the biggest risk I've ever taken in my art and is one of the pieces I'm most proud of.

This semester I have been most successful with acrylic paints. Last year painting was always so intimidating to me and I only did it a couple of times or when I was required to. This semester I discovered a love for painting with acrylic paints. I like how detail-oriented you can be with them which differs from watercolors (a form of paint I was previously more comfortable with). I created some of my favorite pieces this year with acrylics like my circle project (Breakfast), my donate life (Clover), my duck stamp (Selfie), My sustained investigation #1 (Something..home), and my sustained investigation #3 (Where Is My Mind?) which was created in large part with acrylics. This semester I fell in love with painting and got more interested in detail-orientated paintings which I was most successful at with acrylic paints.

I have struggled the most this semester with time management. Far too often this year I have found myself staying up way past midnight working on an art project that is due the next day. I think part of the reason for this is that it is my junior year and I have a much heavier workload than last year. I find myself prioritizing other classes' homework over art, not because I like them more (i don't at all) but because I have fallen into the habit of saving art until the last minute and then doing it all in one night. I think this also has come from the art projects I have been choosing lacking creativity. With my 3rd sustained investigation, I found I finished it the quickest, not because I tried any less hard, but because I enjoyed it. It was refreshing to just be messy and not follow any reference images and just make art. Other projects like the duck stamp and donate life, etc. were so detailed orientated it felt like I was lacking freedom in the art. Next year I will work on managing my time by indulging in the art that feels refreshing and free.

Moving forward, my artistic goals are to dive deeper into abstract art. This year I spent most of my time on detailed oriented works (as I mentioned above) however moving forward I want to create more art like my piece Where Is My Mind? Creating that was so fun for me and also one of my pieces I think looks the coolest and represents me as a person and as an artist more. I want to spend more time using mixed media to create peuces similar in style and continue to experiment with oil pastels as well. Another goal is to possibly be a part of the national art society when I graduate. I think this would look good in college but also would feel good to become a part of considering all the work I have put into my art these past years. Lastly, I want to submit an AP art portfolio next year.