

Materials: clay, paper, and scratchboard

Dimensions: 3in. x 5in.

And After

Materials: clay

Dimensions: 3in. x 5in.

For this project I decided to use spiderwebs to make a spiderman themed sgraffito. Lately I have really been into the Marvel movies and cinema. Part of the assignment was to make sure I didn’t copy anything so I had to choose something that wasn’t a well known logo or something that was copyrighted. I liked doing spider webs with the sgraffito because it was easy to differ which would be the black space vs. what would be the white space. I really liked this project because I could test out my design on the paper and scratch board first. I had tested out doing it with different amount of negative space but in the end I liked how it turned out.

We started off using paper for this assignment. I used the paper to sketch out my first ideas just with a pencil. Once I had narrowed in on my idea that I wanted I decided to use my scratchboard materials to decide which parts should be black and which parts should be white. For the clay we used a double sided sgraffito tool which was good for small details and lines. I really liked that one because it had good control and I could put as deep as I wanted into the clay.

In this project the process was trial and error. If I didn’t like the way it looked sketching it out I would try it a different way. Once I decided I liked it a certain way I would move onto adding it to the scratch board. Then, once I could decide on negative and positive space I decided to work on the clay part. My next steps would be to make the spiderwebs look three dimensional. I think it could make the piece pop more and could be pretty fun to experiment with. If I were to do this project again I would probably choose a zentangle design because It could be really pretty to have lots of swirls and dots.