5 pot summative


in process/unglazed

glaze(photos coming soon)

final product

artist statement:

For this project, we were asked to make something to show our pinch pot making skills. We had to use at least 5 pinch pots. As I wanted to continue with the ocean theme I knew I wanted to do something with sea shells. I decided that I could get four pinch pots from makes two scallop shells on top of each other and then I decided I could get six more pinch pots by creating a starfish that has 5 legs(five pinch pots) and 1 body(pinch pot). I decided this would be coolest as a sculpture and I could work with the riskiness of gravity to experiment with a new shape.

I started by just making shallow bowls as pinch pots and then I shaped them into shells by creating ridges with the end of a wooden tool and just hand shaping them until I had two matching large seashells and two matching medium/small shaped scallop shells. Then the starfish, I made all my pinch pots by shaping them by hand and then slipping and scoring them to attach. I then used the end of that metal tool in the second picture to create texture in the seastar by adding indented dots. Then I glazed them. I used the snow and sky glazes for the sea shells even making sure to mix the snow and sky color for the small seashells to create a lighter blue. I haven't quite finished the project yet so I'm not sure what I am going to glaze the star fish with.

I reallly enjoyed doing this project. Technically it has not been glaze fired yet so I am not sure what the final profuct looks like. I already know that the sea shells will be rough around the edges because the clay ended up getting very dry and was hard to smooth and fix. I did really like getting to create a sculpture though, and not have to make it functional besides it's looks.