Beautiful oops


materials: acrylic paint

dimensions: 12" x 9"

Artist statement:

It took me a long time to come up with my idea for this project. The splatter for my piece of paper was semi in the middle of the paper and it was difficult to decide how I was going to turn it into something creative. I don't necessarily remember how I came up with the idea to make it into a snake's spot but when I originally came up with the idea my plan was to just make one big snake. I wasn't sure how I was going to help fill negative space yet but I knew that having one big snake was my plan with black spots to incorporate the beautiful oops spots. Later in the project, I decided that I was going to make at least a couple more snakes that look like they are intertwined or around each other. One thing led to the next and I decided to add texture and pattern to give the snakes a little bit of spice.

My materials were acrylic paint. I am not very good at painting but it is one of my favorite things to do. I figured that since the snakes are just long and thick lines that I would have an okay job of it in the end. I wanted to choose bright colors because I feel like it would make the painting stand out more. AKA make it less boring. It was fun to use little paintbrushes to make the lines and then weird-shaped paintbrushes to make the spots.

I did not do any research for this project however, I did have to revise the snake shapes multiple times. I wanted the snake to look like they were intertwined so I made sure that some were on top of each other and some were underneath of each other. If I were to do this project again I would keep the snake but maybe add something in the background. I'm not sure that but maybe something along the lines of a jungle scene?