fashion #3

Title: "In a World of Fashion, We come together"

Materials: Photoshop, graphite, and sketchbook

Dimensions: 8.5in x 11in.

Artist statement:

For this project, I wanted to incorporate one last final influence on fashion to add to my investigation projects. For this one, I decided to incorporate culture. I wanted to choose traditional fashion designs from specific countries to look at and then put my own twist on. There was no real specific way that I chose these countries/cultures. I looked up many different traditional outfits but I landed, in Spain, Mexico, Italy, China, India, and Japan. I thought they all had pretty unique and beautiful designs that I could mash my own ideas with. I decided to add words in the background again because I wanted to still incorporate those layers from the first project to show the layers of fashion design.

I started with graphite and my sketchbook to sketch out all my ideas. I think that it was important to research the true fashion designs so that I don't offend anyone and don't take away from their culture. I labeled lots of information and used some colored pencils to match colors even though I ended up using photoshop for my final product. Photoshop was good to put my photos in and add my own colors and patterns.

As I said, a big part of this project was research. I used many sources for photos and information about the countries and cultures that I was using for my project. I revised my sketches on paper before I put them into photoshop but either way I did do a lot of revision in photoshop. Whether it was fixing the proportions or adding new designs because the outfit looked too bland. I also experimented with lots of colors because I didn't want to be too repetitive or uninteresting.