Photoshop Portrait



Materials: Photoshop and Illustrator

Dimensions: 12in.x15in.

Artist statement:

For this project, we were supposed to take a photograph and turn it into a cartoon image using adobe photoshop. I decided to use this photograph of me and my sister at Popham beach because I thought it had a really cool range of colors and shapes to turn into a cartoon image. For this picture, I had to simplify certain parts of it for the final product. For example, the dress had such small detailed flowers that I knew it would be a better idea for me to just make it a solid color. I spent over 10 hours on this project trying to perfect every detail and yet it still needs to be smoothed out a little bit.

For this project, the material was obviously just my laptop and adobe photoshop. It took me a while to learn all the tools and special ways to create my final project. I mostly used the paint or draw feature to trace out certain areas of skin or hair color and then fill them in with the paint bucket/fill feature. There was also this color matcher feature which I thought was really cool because you could drag it on top of the photograph to match the color exactly and then use that color to paint your cartoon.

If I were to do this project again I don't think I would change much because I liked my process of doing specific chunks at a time. Although, I think that the way Gretta's face blends together is a little better than mine. The pink shades on my cheeks could be blended a little more together. There was definitely a lot of editing over and over again because I had to try to make my proportions accurate. Overall I really liked this project. The only problem is that it takes absolutely forever to finish.