

in process/molding

finished stamp

artist statement:

For this project, we were asked to create our "makers stamp" which is supposed to use some small icon or logo that represents us in some way, that we will use to indent our clay pieces. This will act as our artist signature. I came up with multiple ideas but I ultimately ended up going with a simple flower design. I feel like the flower is a simple representation of my interests such as nature and the beauty that we find with in nature.

I started by actually creating the post in which my flower would be carved into. The post did not end up looking very neat or "graceful" but it did ultimately end up serving its purpose in holding up my flower design. I just used my hands to mold the base but I used multiple knives and carving tools to carve out the flower itself, which I did my best to make as neat as possible with defined lines. I made sure to cut away the excess clay away from the edges to reveal a more distinct flower for when I am actually using it as a stamp into soft clay.

In the end, I did really like my finished project. I think that the stamp works well and that when used with the right amount of pressure, you can in fact see the distinct pattern of the petals. Although, I liked the flower part of the stamp I wish I had fixed the post of the stamp to make it more neat, smooth, and interesting. The post is pretty rough because I was so focused on the flower. Next time, I will make sure to focus on both.