Year 1

Please check the school Covid-19 information on the home page as some year group details may have changed.

Welcome to Year 1

We are looking forward to welcoming your children into Year 1 in September and would like to draw your attention to the attached Handbook for KS1 and KS2 Parents. The class teachers are Mrs Castle and Miss Searle.

What to expect in Year 1

From the start of term in September children will learn in a free-flow setting similar to what they have experienced in Reception. We will continue to build children's independence through a combination of child-led learning, short whole-class carpet sessions and small group focus activities.

While the free-flow setting will remain, the number of 'formal' lessons that children participate in will gradually increase over the year and include differentiated whole-class activities and small-group carousel activities. Learning experiences will remain practical, hands-on and, most importantly, fun!

Physical Education

In Year 1, children will participate in both indoor and outdoor PE lessons. First half term, PE lessons will be in Richmond Park so children will only need to come in their PE kits on the days we go to the park. After half term, children will be expected to come in school in their PE kits on the days they have PE lessons. 

PE kits should be left in school each week and will be returned at the end of each half term for a good wash! All items, including the PE bag, should be clearly named. Pumps, plimsolls or trainers must be worn for PE, with the exception of a few gym or dance lessons. Therefore, school shoes will not be permitted to be worn during PE lessons and your child will not be able to fully participate in the lesson.

Entering the classroom and being picked up

The school gate opens at 8:40 and children can come into the room and start putting their things away from 8:40.

During transition we welcome parents into the classroom in the mornings as children become familiar with their new learning environment. As the term progresses, we encourage you to allow your children to come into the room independently.

At the end of the school day children will be handed over to parents at the classroom door. If children are not picked up by 3:40, they will be taken to the front entrance.

Labelled belongings

Year 1 children will be responsible for looking after their own personal belongings. Please ensure that everything is clearly labelled, including book bags, jumpers, coats, PE kits, water bottles and stationery.

Missing items may be located in the Lost Property Bins situated throughout the school.

Water bottles

Your child may bring in a water bottle each day which can be kept in the designated area of the classroom. Please remind them to collect it each afternoon to take home to be washed.


Children in Year 1 can expect to take home homework each week. This will be sent through Google Classroom every Friday. This will mainly consist of reading, your child's banded book linked to their phonics knowledge, a library book to encourage reading for pleasure and an E copy of their guided reading book once it has been completed in school. They may also be set some optional  tasks linked to their learning that week. These can either be completed online or in the purple homework book which is to be kept at home.

We expect the children to spend a maximum of 15 minutes a night on homework -including reading.

Phonics Curriculum Overview 



Phonics is an essential aspect of learning to read and write and will remain a key element of the Year 1 timetable. Children in Year 1 will continue to build on the phonics knowledge they developed in Reception.

The year will start with a recap of sounds already learned (Phases 2 and 3) and a revision of Phase 4 before moving into Phase 5 for the remainder of the year. 

All Year 1 children in the UK undergo a Phonics screening in the summer term.

For the 2019-20 academic year, the phonics screening check will be conducted in the week commencing Monday 10th June 2024. 

Common Exception Words

Spelling will be focused on the First 100 High Frequency words, common exception words, words related to their phonics sounds and words from the Next 200 High Frequency Words.

By the end of Year 1, all pupils should be able to spell the following common exception words:

Curriculum Overview 

Take a look at what your children will be learning over the course of the year. 

Curriculum overview Autumn Term.pdf
Year 1 Curriculum Overview Spring Term.pdf
Year 1 Curriculum Overview Summer Term.pdf

Year 1, Autumn 1 - Knowledge Organisers

These are the knowledge organisers are accompany the units we will be teaching in Autumn 1. Please look through these with your children, taking note of new vocabulary and key information. 

Year 1, Autumn 2 - Knowledge Organisers

Year 1, Spring 1 - Knowledge Organisers

These are the knowledge organisers are accompany the units we will be teaching in Spring 1. Please look through these with your children, taking note of new vocabulary and key information. 

Year 1, Spring 2 - Knowledge Organisers

Year 1, Summer 1 - Knowledge Organisers

These are the knowledge organisers are accompany the units we will be teaching in Summer 1. Please look through these with your children, taking note of new vocabulary and key information. 

Year 1, Summer 2 - Knowledge Organisers

Year 1 enjoyed a fantastic workshop where they learnt about the life of inspirational Mary Seacole. 

We listened to some Jamaican stories that she used to tell to the soldiers she cared for,we made our own herbal medicines just like Mary and we learnt a song and a dance that was sung to her at her party in London that was organised by the soldiers.

Year 1 Historical walking tour of Kingston

Year 1 went on a historical walking tour of Kingston so they could learn more about what makes Kingston so significant.

What can you do at home?

Parent Help

We would really appreciate parent help every day listening to readers and helping children with their maths and phonics. Please see the class teacher if you are able to help with hearing children read, taking small groups, going on school outings, special days etc. At St Paul's, we are always grateful for any support you can provide.

If you have any questions or comments, the first port of call is the class teacher. Please  use the home school diary to communicate messages. 

We’re really excited about the year ahead and looking forward to teaching your children.

Mrs H Castle – Year 1 Maple, MFL Lead

Miss O Searle – Year 1 Willow, History Lead

Year 1 Team