Parents & Carers

Links pages in the Parents & Carers section of the website:

Packed Lunches and Playground Snacks


We are a ‘Sugar Smart’ and nut free school. May we remind parents that sweets, including whole chocolate bars, are not permitted in school and should not be included in children’s lunchboxes. We have several children who are prone to anaphylaxis, please ensure that packed lunches do not contain nut products (including cereal bars, peanut butter and Nutella). Our school kitchen uses nut-free products.

Please remind your child that they are only permitted to eat pieces of fruit in the playground at break or lunchtime.

As we are a ‘Sugar Smart’ school, we ask that pupils do not bring in sweets or similar as birthday treats. As an alternative, parents can bring in fresh fruit for the class or donate a book or game to the class on their child's birthday.

Thank you for your support.