
Adventure Playground

Our adventure playground allows all the children access to physical and psychological experiences not readily available elsewhere. Providing a platform for each child the opportunity to develop, test, and acquire by enjoying social interactions and to flourish their imaginations

Our adventure playground resource will serve generations of St Paul’s CofE children. 


Year 4 chose Momentum for their charity. Someone from Momentum came in to talk to use about what Momentum is and the work that they carry out. We held a pyjama day to remind us that many of the children who are not well wear pyjamas for a lot of the time. We had a film night to raise more money.
We raised £262.40. Great work year 4!  

Year 6 Victoria & Albert museum trip  - October 2023 

In our history lessons, we've been on an exciting journey learning all about The Early Islamic Civilisation. To make our learning even more interesting, we recently had a fantastic adventure at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

During our visit, we got to see real-life clothes, special religious objects, and fascinating artifacts from the Islamic Middle East. This trip wasn't just about history; it connected with many other subjects too, like Art & Design, Literacy, Maths, History, R.E, Geography, and Science.

As we strolled through the galleries and looked at all the incredible artifacts and artwork, we also had the chance to use our sketchbooks to draw and write down what we found interesting. The things we discovered during our visit will be a big help in our future art project. 

It was an awesome day of learning and exploration!

What the children say ...

'It was an amazing and breath-taking experience to see!' Anika 

'When we walked through the gates, I simply gasped for there were no words to describe it! The temple itself was beautiful. Everything radiated peace and harmony.' Georgia

'There was an amazing feeling of calm that you got as soon as we stepped through the gates.'  Phoebe

Year 6 Buddhist Temple trip - October 2023 

As part of our journey learning about Buddhism for our Religious Education studies, we had a special outing to visit a Buddhist temple located in Wimbledon - Buddhapadipa Temple. 

During our visit, we were incredibly fortunate to meet a knowledgeable Buddhist monk, who talked to us about Buddhism and shared the essential teachings of this peaceful religion. The monk even showed us how to start with a simple meditation exercise! We then had the chance to explore the temple's interior and admire the beautiful art on display.

The temple's surroundings were incredibly calm and peaceful, and we had the special opportunity to explore the lovely grounds afterward.

Cultural Awareness Day – Summer term 2023

Windrush Day 75th Anniversary

Last summer term, for our cultural awareness day we celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Empire Windrush’s arrival.

 Please take a look through to see how our school not only celebrated the Windrush Generation but learnt about why it’s so important to be taught about the history and impact of the Windrush Generation. 

Windrush Day 75th Anniversary

Windrush Day 75th Anniversary.pdf

What our children say...

'It inspired me that girls can do anything.' Kayden year 3

'It was really good for girls to look at something new that they wouldn't normally do.' Julia year 3 

'I found it inspirational to interview Chloe Chong.' Frederika Year 4

'I enjoyed the Microsoft talk and the videos showing that girls can change the world.'  Leum year 4

'A really good experience and anyone can do what they want if they put their mind to it.  Also, it inspired me to become a footballer for the women's team.' Rania year 5

'Good experience and the things I learnt about AI and how Microsoft works and the quizzes. It got me thinking about AI.'  Caira year 5

Girls on Track event at Stamford Bridge 

10 children from Y3,4 & 5 were selected to take part in a Girls on Track UK event, organised by Motorsport UK, at Stamford Bridge on Friday 14th July. The event was an action-packed day, full of activities to engage, motivate and inspire them into possible future careers within motorsport and STEM, ahead of the British Grand Prix. 

Girls on Track event at Stamford Bridge 

On the day, the girls were given the opportunity to:

The Hive Club

celebrated their first
'Teddy Bear's Picnic Day'

A 'Roaring' Success for our Furry Friends! We welcomed all sizes of teddy bears, large cuddly reptiles, furry birds, and other lovable creatures! 

Everyone enjoyable day filled with laughter, ice cream, games and fun!


A Year 6 Performance 

Well done to all of our year 6 children who put on four stellar performances of Olivia! the musical. A huge thank you to all members of staff who made these performances possible. We are so proud of every child! 

Cultural Awareness Day

Our summer term cultural awareness day will take place on Thursday 22nd June. The focus this term is the Windrush generation and the impact on British society with the 22nd June being national Windrush Day. The arrival of the ship HMT Empire Windrush at Tilbury docks in 1948, bringing 500 passengers from the Caribbean, is a moment that symbolises the start of post-war Commonwealth migration to Britain and the shift towards the multi-ethnic society of Britain today. This year will mark its 75th anniversary. There has been an open letter signed by 100 well known voices to make the day a 'major national moment'. Click on the button below to read more...

The Windrush has become the key symbolic moment in the history of both the Black British contribution to Britain and the broader post-war Commonwealth migration that reshaped the modern British society of today. This is not only Black History – it is British history. It should be something we all know and commemorate. The 75th anniversary of Windrush this year is a chance to broaden the public conversation about the past, present and future of our multi-ethnic society. To honour those early Windrush pioneers and to pass the torch to the next generation.

Each year group will be taking part in activities and learning throughout the day to broaden their understanding. Year 6 will also be spending their history lessons this half term delving further into the Windrush: Past and Present and Caribbean migration. As well as activities in the classroom, we have organised for each year group to have a dance workshop with The Don Rae Academy, celebrating the culture and music of the Caribbean islands. The dances will also narrate the journey of the passenger exploring the themes - ‘settlements’ and ‘new beginnings’. The children will perform to each other on Thursday afternoon but there will be a chance for families to see the dances at the summer fair on Saturday 8th July. This way our whole school community will get the opportunity to be involved in learning about Windrush and able to take part in the celebrations. 

Click the button below to see books that we'd like for donation and if you are available to come in and talk to a year group. 

Please check back after Thursday 22nd June to see photos of the day's events. ​ 

Tudor Drive Library - Year 5

The children in Year 5 walked happily to Tudor Drive Library. Those with library cards borrowed books whilst others looked at joining their local library. Year 5 enjoyed choosing a great selection of fiction and non-fiction books, enabling them to explore and to enjoy the love of reading.

St Paul's Whole School Music Festival 'Around the World' May 2023

Year 6 Isle of Wight Residential Trip May 2023

"We didn't realise we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun!" Winnie the Pooh

Click the button below to read and see more.

A prayer for our new King Charles III

Everlasting God, we pray for our new King. Bless his reign and the life of our nation. 

Help us to work together so that truth and justice, harmony and fairness flourish among us; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Celebrating the coronation of King Charles III and sending best wishes to the Royal Family. 

RE Easter theme day 

The whole school took part in this year's Easter theme day, which followed the Easter service at St Paul's church. We celebrated the children's work in an assembly the following day where each year group had the opportunity to share their part of the Easter story. 

Each year group focused on a particular section of the story and did activities about their piece  throughout the day, as you can see from the photos. It was a very enjoyable day and a delight to witness the array of wonderful work, including drama and art.


Mrs Foskin and Mrs Calvert

Easter Service at St Paul’s Church

‘I really enjoyed our trip to Kingsmeadow because we were given a chance to do activities that we don’t usually do. Playing football with girls made me feel less self-conscious than before. The love your body session made me think about why each of us as individuals are special. It gave me some time to think about how great girls are and how they aren’t of any less worth than boys. The trip was really inspirational!’

International Women’s Day

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Year 6 girls took part in Chelsea Foundation’s Nothing Stops Us event at Kingsmeadow where 400 local school girls participated in fun football activities and workshops at the stadium.

The event consisted of football drills and challenges along with educational and health and wellbeing sessions including female empowerment and workshops led by Kingston Mind and Nike. Year 6 girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves, even with the rain!

‘It was really inspirational hearing women’s stories and how they got to where they are now.’

‘It is very good that Chelsea are trying to empower girls and make equality happen.’

Summer Concerts

St Paul's Choir participated in the Kingston Festival of School Choirs to join Kingston Music Service and Primary Schools from across the borough for the annual singing showcase. St Paul's Choir celebrated and performed "Our Wonderful World" that impressed the Rose Theatre's audience, who were applauding for more!

Year 4 Hooke Court Residential Trip

Year 4 raised money for Turkey and Syria 

Turkey and Syria Fundraising

Louisa, Edie, Nikoleta, Lara, Sia, Elsa and Ruby from 4R wanted to raise money to help Turkey and Syria after the 7.8 magnitude  earthquake damage on 6 February, 2023. So, they found a date with Mr Edmonds to host a cake sale. This took place on Friday 28th April after school. We sold cakes, cupcakes, cookies, donuts, homemade bookmarks, bracelets and keyrings. 

We successfully raised £211.10. The money goes to DEC’s Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal. They help people on both sides of the border.

Written by Louisa Deveson

Year 6 trip to the Tate Modern – November 2022

To aid our learning in the Year 6 art curriculum, we visited the Tate Modern in central London. This was a great opportunity for us to see a range of modern art work and to experience a gallery setting. We took our sketchbooks to capture inspiration for our own creations and carried out discussions as we viewed the art work. One member of the public commented how impressed he was with how the children were responding to modern art and the discussions they were having.

“Going to the Tate Modern was like a whirlpool of imagination.”

“Art makes me feel like I can accomplish anything.”

“The Tate brings unique artwork into one community.”

 “You can describe the artwork as different puzzle pieces and they all fit together under the Tate Modern roof.” ​

Year 6 visit to Buddhapadipa Temple, Wimbledon – October 2022

As part of our RE topic on Buddhism, we visited a Buddhist temple in Wimbledon.

We were very lucky to be given a talk by a Buddhist monk about Buddhism and the Buddhist teaching and the monk even gave us an introduction to meditation! We were then shown around the temple and were given a chance to study the art inside. The grounds are incredibly peaceful and we were allowed to explore them afterwards.

“The temple felt like a palace.”

“The art wasn’t just art, it was beauty and culture.”

Year 6 trip to the Victoria & Albert museum – October 2022

In history we have been discovering all about The Early Islamic Civilisation. So that we can add real life context to our learning and to see artefacts in real life, we had an exciting visit to the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

We were able to explore clothes, religious objects and artefacts from the Islamic Middle East. The trip covered cross-curricular links, including Art & Design, Literacy, Numeracy, History, R.E., Geography, and Science. Once we viewed all the artefacts and artwork in the galleries, there was an opportunity to use our sketchbooks to record what we saw. This research will then inform a future art project.

“A memorable time of ancient art.”

“The artwork and artifacts were very delicate and precious.”

Cultural Awareness Day - Korean Culture and History 

Throughout the day, children learnt about Korean culture through food, music and clothing, along with the history of both North and South Korea. We have many families with Korean heritage who came dressed in their traditional Hanbok. 

Sports day and House cup 2022

Congratulations to Picton House for winning the Sports Day and also winning the House Cup for the most house points achieved throughout the year!

"PREXIT the Musical" 

Year 6, on their amazing performance of ‘Prexit the Musical’. A thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all who attended. Well done to Miss Barnham and Year 6!

World Book Days

World Book Day at St Paul’s was a roaring success! Every student was invited to dress up as a world book day character and even the teachers joined in! Each class celebrated World Book Day in different ways from reading with hot chocolate; creating 24 hour reading rivers; writing book reviews and reading to one another and book artwork.

We discussed how reading helps us and even completed book bingo and quizzes on authors and texts! One of the main events was a potato book character competition. It was almost impossible to choose a winner but eventually Mrs Fletcher came to the decision that the potato giraffe deserved the crown. There were also book prizes for the best dressed which you can see. Well done to everybody who took part.

Wear It Pink

Every Breast Cancer Awareness Month, wear it pink brings together thousands of people on one day, all with the same aim – to wear pink, raise money and help make life-saving breast cancer research happen. Why? Because every pound raised could help fund a potentially life-saving research breakthrough and giving someone information when they need it most.  

Thank you to everyone who supported ‘wear it pink’ day at the end of last half term. A grand total of £296 was raised in aid of Breast Cancer Now. Thank you for your support.

Country Dancing 

Year 4 Hooke Court Residential Visit

Near the end of the Spring term, our Year 4 were lucky enough to visit Hooke Court in Dorset. They had lots of fun Roman marching, making shelters, creating mosaics, building trebuchets and creating aqueducts, along with so much more. 

The staff at Hooke Court complimented the children on how well they behaved and listened. It was a lovely time and we are so glad that we had the opportunity to learn so much about Roman times.

Year 6 IOW (Isle of Wight) Residential Visit 2022

Taking the ferry from the mainland to start our St Paul's Year 6 class educational tour... Continuing the excitement with an exploration of the rich environment of the natural coastline, as well as life in rural England.  

Year 3 Pirate Days

Christmas Theme Days

Our focus this year was 'Christmas around the world' with the children learning about the Christmas traditions in Spain (YR), Poland (Y1), Trinidad (Y2), Germany (Y3), Czech Republic (Y4) and France (Y5  and Y6).

Year 2 Football Tournament

Lions Basketball - All Girls Year 5/6 Tournament