Mental Health & Well-being

St Paul’s CofE Primary School, Kingston Hill has put mental health and well-being as a key school priority: we recognise the importance for our whole school community. We want our pupils to be aware of their feelings and emotions, challenge the stigma around mental health, and stress the importance of having a healthy mind as well as a healthy body.

Our work in this area really began to flourish back in 2016, with our school’s efforts to promote both positive attitudes towards mental health, and identify well-being as a key school focus, being granted the Gold Healthy School London Award. From this, our pupils created our permanent MOLAR hand display to remind them of ways to keep ourselves mentally well: mindfulness, others, learning, active and relationships.

Many of our worries about children’s mental health or quirks are often short lived; professionals frequently reassure us that our children’s behaviour is normal, and say that ‘they will grow out of it’ and to give the child time. However, if you are still concerned, it is always best to go and make an appointment with your GP. Likewise, if you yourself are suffering with any anxieties or general health and well-being, please see your GP.

How do we teach Mental Health at St Paul’s?

Mental health is prominent part of PSHE and is taught both in and out of PSHE lessons. Regular assemblies are held to highlight and remind children of how important it is to keep ourselves and those around us mentally healthy.

Well Being Days

Each term, the whole school has a day to focus on a different area of mental health, which could be anything from, dealing with anxiety, building our self esteem to being comfortable in our own skin. These days are a well-loved and important part of our school ethos in equipping children with the right skills and mindset to be mentally healthy now and in the future.


MOLAR is an acronym that we use as a school to keep ourselves and those around us mentally healthy.

M- mindfulness

O- others

L- learning


R- relationships

Classes focus on an aspect of MOLAR each half term and put into place practical strategies to help the children with their mental health.

If you have concerns of worries about your child’s mental health…

We have a range of different support that we can offer children, who may be having struggles with their mental health. We are lucky to have 5 trained and experienced emotional support staff, who work across the school, with a range of children on improving and supporting their mental health.

If you feel you would like to discuss your child’s mental health or worries in this area then you can contact, through the office:

Nic Luker- Senior Mental Health Lead

Rebecca Simpson- Deputy Senior Mental Health Lead

We will be able to arrange a meeting to discuss your concerns and offer support or advise on any other external agency’s if necessary.


There are is some amazing literature out there that can help you support your child’s mental health. 

Below are some tried and tested suggestions. We do have limited copies of some of these titles in school if you need to borrow a copy.


Below is a great video that helps to explain anxiety and how our brains work, which is useful to share with your children.

We watched the video Brain Basics: Anxiety for kids - with Lee Constable     

St Paul's Parenting Workshops

The workshop held was based on the 1-2-3 Magic book by Dr Thomas W Phelan and led by Mrs Kasselman and Miss Luker.

123 Magic presentation.pdf

Useful Organisations

Children and adults alike may find the organisations below useful:


0800 1111


0300 123 3393


116 123 

Young Minds:

0808 802 5544

Kingston Bereavement Service:

0208 547 1552 

Click here for some additional websites.

We would also like to reiterate that St Paul’s staff are here to help you. Feel free to make an appointment at the school office or catch a member of the Senior Leadership Team on the gate.


The NSPCC has provided information for parents about protecting our children's mental health and well-being during the current situation. Support and tips to help you keep children safe. From advice on children’s mental health to staying safe online, support for parents and what to do if you’re worried about a child.

Public Health England

Advice for parents and carers on looking after the mental health and well-being of children or young people during the coronavirus outbreak. 

Mental Health and Well-being Pack

We find ourselves in a new and challenging time in which not only our physical health is at risk but our mental health and well-being. With schools being closed, you as parents and carers have been asked to take on additional roles and responsibilities which can at times feel overwhelming. The Emotional Health Service have developed a 10 week programme around growth mindset and resilience for schools to send out to parents and young people. The pack is to support you to support your children. 

For information and support on mental health and well-being, and the well-being pack, click the button below.

As a reminder, should you have any concerns about a child’s welfare or feel that a child is at risk in anyway, please contact Single Point of Access Team (SPA) on 0208 547 5008 (midweek 8am-6pm) or 0208 770 5000 during evenings and weekends.