
Here at St Paul’s, mathematics is taught in a creative and interactive way, which engages and excites children to learn. Over the last few years, we have gone through an exciting period of changes in maths, in line with the 2014 National Curriculum. There is now a much larger focus on fluency, reasoning and problem solving in maths. As part of this, we embrace different ways of teaching maths in order to support all children’s learning, which includes hands on physical activities; child led teaching; games; computing; investigation and many other avenues. From this, children are making excellent progress and enjoy maths at St Paul’s.

At St Paul’s, we ensure all children from Reception to Year 6 are supported and challenged where necessary through the use of differentiation in tasks, outcomes and support.

In Reception we teach children to count confidently to 20 and beyond, develop a deep understanding of the numbers to 10, the relationships between them and the patterns within those numbers.

We provide frequent and varied opportunities to build and apply this understanding - such as using manipulatives, including counters and tens frames for organising counting – we aim for the children to develop a secure base of knowledge and vocabulary.

In addition, it is important to us that the curriculum and environment includes rich opportunities for children to develop their spatial reasoning skills across all areas of mathematics including shape, space and measures.

We encourage the children to develop positive attitudes and interests in mathematics, look for patterns and relationships, spot connections, ‘have a go’, talk to adults and peers about what they notice and not be afraid to make mistakes.

In KS1 we continue our journey investigating numbers and understanding maths in the world around us. In the autumn term of Year 1, children will continue learning about maths in a similar way to Reception. They receive a short input explain new learning and then have a chance to investigate what they have been learning about. 

In the spring and summer terms, Year 1 children move gradually towards longer structured maths sessions getting them ready for their maths learning in Year 2. 

In KS1 we use a lot of equipment to help children understand number. Many of the lessons will be very practical using equipment to investigate and create numbers and other mathematical ideas. 

At St Paul’s, we ensure all children from Reception to Year 6 are supported and challenged where necessary through the use of differentiation in tasks, outcomes and support. 

By the end of Year 2 children will have covered these mathematical areas: 

KS1 and KS2

What our children say about Mathematics

"I like maths because we get to do loads of times tables games and fractions."  Year 3

"The teachers make maths fun."  Year 3

"Maths can be challenging but the teachers encourage us to be resilient to overcome challenges and enjoy activities."  Year 5

In KS2 the maths curriculum broadens out as the children become more confident with different aspects of maths.

Many learners in Year 3 and 4 still use equipment to help them understand mathematical principles but there is also a move towards written strategies to support pupils and their understanding of more complex calculations.

Understanding the four operations using quick recall arithmetic skills and by answering word problems and reasoning questions are very important skills taught in a variety of ways.

Most children are confident with recalling all times tables by the end of Year 4. Having these facts at our fingertips is very useful for solving problems. Regularly using sites like Times Table Rock Stars helps pupils to increase the speed of recall of these key facts. Learning multiplication hand in hand with division helps pupils to recognise patterns and to use them when answering more complex questions.    

At St Paul’s we use a number of different strategies to answer mathematical questions. Pupils are encouraged to learn a many different ways to solve a problem then select the best option depending on the question they are facing. Please see our calculation policy for more detail and examples of how these strategies are used.

In Year 5 and 6 peoples are taught in maths groups for part of the week. This helps to support and to challenge pupils depending on the progress they are making. These groups are flexible and pupils move between groups when teachers feel it is appropriate.

By the end of Year 6 children will have covered these mathematical areas: 

What our children say about Mathematics

"Miss Luker has taught us that Mathematics is the path to joy."  Year 5

"Before I started at St Paul's, I hated maths and through all the years, I have built up my confidence - now it's my favourite lesson!"  Year 6

"I really enjoy maths because you can challenge yourself as much as you want and there's always that time when you learn something new every step of the way. I also really enjoy the fun activities with maths." Year 6

Mathematics and Calculation Policies

Mathematics Policy 2020.pdf
Calculation Policy 2021.pdf

Pizza and Puzzles evening

On Wednesday 26th April, nearly 350 parents, carers and children came for a STEM evening of activities at St Paul's. Staff arranged a wide range of fun activities, from bridge building, finger print investigations to floating and sink and Lego car building. Click the button for more!

Times Table Rockstars and other useful websites

There are many useful website to help children with the quick recall of different mathematical facts. One really useful site is Times Tables Rockstars. The children are given their own personal login at the beginning of Year 2. This login remains the same throughout their time at St Paul's. Most children quickly learn their login details. However, if your child does not know theirs, please ask the class teacher. 

Times Table Rockstars is excellent for developing fluency and mental maths for all ages! Children make themselves a rock star avatar and can compete with other children from their year in answering times tables questions.

Busy Things is also a great site to use. There are many maths games within the maths section broken down into year groups. Children can access this site using their lgfl login details. 

Hit the button is a free site that also has many different maths games to play.