
Our vision is to educate for life,
with the love of God, and Christian Values,
at the heart of our school.

We are guided by the Fruit of the Spirit –
love, peace, patience, humility, joy, self-control, faithfulness, goodness and kindness.

We actively promote British Values, encouraging mutual respect and embracing different faiths and beliefs.

We lay the foundations for a lifelong love of learning.  We want our children to achieve well and be successful.

We learn to give thanks and to put our Christian values into action by supporting our local and global community.

We want our children to develop into caring, confident, responsible and healthy citizens.

We want all children, families, staff and other members of our School Community to feel safe, happy, listened to and supported.

This is our curriculum intent

Links to pages in the Curriculum section of the website

Collective Worship

Please click the link below to view the Curriculum Principles 2022.