Global Neighbours

At St. Paul's CofE Primary School, we're on a fantastic journey to become Christian Aid Global Neighbours, and it's all about making our world a better place. We can't wait to tell you all about it!

First things first, we're learning all about something really, really important called "climate justice." Now, what's that, you ask? Well, it's all about taking care of our planet and making sure everyone is treated fairly, no matter where they live. We're figuring out how our actions, like saving energy and reducing waste, can help protect the environment for kids just like us all around the world. We're not just learning; we're becoming planet-saving superheroes!

But wait, there's more! We're also diving into the topic of "global poverty." It's like exploring a big adventure! We're finding out why some people have more than enough, and others don't have what they need to be happy and healthy. And guess what? We're not just learning about it; we're being courageous advocates for change. We're speaking up and taking action to help those who need it most.

And here's something really, really important: we're an actively anti-racist school. That means we believe in fairness, respect, and kindness for every person, no matter where they come from or what they look like. We're standing up against unfair treatment and making sure everyone feels safe and valued right here at our school. We're like superheroes of fairness and love!

So, on our journey to become Christian Aid Global Neighbours, we're making a promise to care for our planet, help people in need, be courageous advocates for change, and create a world full of love and fairness. We're on a mission to be the best Global Neighbours we can be.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates on our journey, and together, let's work to make our world an even better place for everyone!

Autumn 1- Who is our Neighbour?

This half term, all classes across the school have been talking about different charities and the important work that they do. We have been exploring ‘Courageous Advocacy’ and how we can learn and make changes, as well as fundraise for them. Each class, staff and parents, put forward a cause or charity and the Junior Faith Group met to discuss which charity would be our focus for the year. The charity we have selected is ‘For Life Thailand’, which was suggested by Ms Whitethorn, who is a trustee of the charity. We look forward to finding out more about this charity and how we can support their incredible work.  

Year 6 have been learning about flooding and how countries, who do not have the infrastructure that we do in the UK, can be left with devastating and long-term effects from this. The children have been looking at how they could design affordable and flood-resistant homes to beat the flood for these communities. We look forward to make these and testing them out after half term.

Courageous Advocacy- supporting, championing and speaking up for causes that are important and meaningful to them.

Global Neighbours within our Curriculum 

An overview of how we link Global Neighbours into our curriculum. 

Global Neighbour Curriculum Overview.pdf

We had a tremendous response for our Harvest Service last week. The foodbank at St Peter’s Church, Norbiton were delighted to receive eight full crates of your donations, which will be used to support Kingston Foodbank and the Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness (KCAH). Thank you

Fair Trade Year 1 

In an exciting exploration of ethical eating and global citizenship, our Year 1 students recently embarked on a journey to discover the world of fair trade food. 

The experience was not just about tasting delicious treats but also understanding the profound impact their choices can have on communities across the globe. 

Year 6 Practical Action

We're incredibly proud of our Year 6 students, who have been delving into a remarkable project focused on sustainable flood-resistant homes. Their dedication to learning, problem-solving, and making a positive impact is truly inspiring.

The Challenge

Year 6 students have been learning about the unfortunate challenges faced by many countries affected by flooding and global poverty. Armed with their knowledge and guided by their compassionate hearts, they embarked on a mission to make a difference.

Designing Flood-Resistant Homes

Our students have not only learned about the devastating effects of floods but have also rolled up their sleeves to create solutions. They've been busy designing flood-resistant homes, specifically tailored to meet the needs of communities in dire need of resilient housing options.

Key Focus Areas

In their project, our Year 6 students emphasized key aspects of flood-resistant home design, including:

This project goes beyond the classroom. It instills a sense of social responsibility, environmental stewardship, and global citizenship in our Year 6 students. We're excited to see the positive impact their ideas and designs will have on communities facing the challenges of flooding and poverty.

We applaud our Year 6 students for their dedication to making the world a better place. This project showcases the power of education in empowering young minds to be future changemakers.

National Poetry Day 2023



In Year 6 at St. Paul's CofE Primary School, something truly special happened during National Poetry Day in 2023. The students delved into the world of poetry by studying a thought-provoking poem titled "Refugees" by Brian Bilston. This poem touched their hearts and sparked their creative spirits.

The poem, "Refugees," shed light on the plight of those seeking refuge and the challenges they face. It inspired our Year 6 students to explore their own emotions and thoughts about this important issue. They embarked on a poetic journey of their own, crafting their unique versions of the poem.

With immense creativity and compassion, our Year 6 students gave voice to the experiences and emotions of refugees, using their words to raise awareness and evoke empathy. Their poems were like windows into the hearts and minds of those who seek safety and a better life.

National Poetry Day 2023 was not just about celebrating the beauty of language and self-expression; it was a week of learning, empathy, and solidarity. Through their poetry, Year 6 showed the world that even young hearts can be filled with understanding and a desire for positive change. They left an enduring mark on our school community, inspiring us all to be more compassionate global neighbours.