Year 3

Please check the school Covid-19 information on the home page as some year group details may have changed.

Welcome to Year 3

We are looking forward to welcoming your children into Year 3 in September and would like to draw your attention to the attached Handbook for KS1 and KS2 Parents.

What to expect in Year 3

Your child might notice a difference between KS1 and KS2. Don’t worry if they seem to be finding things a little tricky at first - they will soon get used to new routines and challenges. In no time at all it will feel familiar to them. One of the biggest changes will be the levels of independence expected for children in KS2

From Year 3 onwards we expect pupils to have the correct equipment they will need each day. Please can we request their pencil cases are not too large as they will need to keep them in their trays (not on the table tops). Useful equipment to have in the pencil case include:

Please keep an eye on the glue in particular. Please ensure items are named wherever possible as other children might have similar equipment.

Curriculum Overview 

Take a look at what your children will be learning over the course of the year. 

Year 3 Curriculum Map 2023-24.pdf

Year 3, Autumn 1 - Knowledge Organisers

These are the knowledge organisers are accompany the units we will be teaching in Autumn 1. Please look through these with your children, taking note of new vocabulary and key information. 

Year 3, Autumn 2 - Knowledge Organisers

Year 3, Spring 1 - Knowledge Organisers

These are the knowledge organisers are accompany the units we will be teaching in Spring 1. Please look through these with your children, taking note of new vocabulary and key information. 

Year 3, Spring 2 - Knowledge Organisers

Year 3, Summer 1 - Knowledge Organisers

These are the knowledge organisers are accompany the units we will be teaching in Summer 1. Please look through these with your children, taking note of new vocabulary and key information. 

Physical Education

In Year 3, children will participate in both indoor and outdoor PE lessons. They will be required to have their PE kits in school everyday. They will change into and out of their PE kits independently for these lessons. The PE kit is similar to Year 2 but we would prefer trainers to plimsolls in KS2. Please make sure all kit is labelled.

Entering the classroom and being picked up

The school gate opens at 8:40 and children can come into the room and start putting their things away from 8:40. If the weather is good, your child can stay outside until the bell goes. This is a good chance to do some golden mile laps. As in Year 2, we will be involved in setting up the day, so we won’t always be able to speak to parents in the morning. 

If you need to speak to us, please pass any messages through the home-school diary, or via the school office.

At the end of each day in the first week, children will be handed over to parents at the classroom door. After that, the children leave the classroom independently. Please discuss with your child a place you will arrange to meet each day and make sure they know if they are in a club after school as they can forget! The children know not to leave the school premises without their adult and will either wait in the arranged spot or at the gates until someone collects them. If children are not picked up by 3:40, they will be taken to the front entrance.

Labelled belongings

Year 3 children will be responsible for looking after their own personal belongings. Please ensure that everything is clearly labelled, including book bags, jumpers, coats, PE kits, water bottles and stationery. Please remind your children not to bring in anything valuable to them as things can get lost.

Missing items may be located in the lost property bins situated throughout the school.

Water bottles

Your child may bring in a water bottle each day which can be kept in the designated area of the classroom. Please remind them to collect it each afternoon to take home to be washed.

Home Learning

Children in Year 3 can expect to have two sets of homework each week. We expect children to spend a maximum of 30 minutes a night on home learning - including reading and learning their Times Tables.

Children will receive spelling home learning once a week which consists of words to learn or a spelling investigation based on a spelling rule we are learning. This will go out on a Monday and be due back the following Monday. They will also bring home another piece of homework on Thursday due in on the following Wednesday. This is often maths but could be related to another area of the curriculum. 

Reading records should be brought into school every day and the majority of children will be responsible for changing their own book. If your child has brought home something unsuitable, please encourage them to change it the following day. If this keeps happening, please let us know so we can discuss with your child again which books they should be selecting from.   Children must record in their Reading record book each time they read. Please could adults also write in the book when you hear your child read.

What can I do at home?

Parent Help

We would really appreciate parent help to listen to readers. Please see the class teacher if you are able to help with hearing children read, taking small groups, going on school outings, special days etc. At St Paul's, we are always grateful for any support you can provide.

Wet Play Games

Do you have any games that would be suitable for Year 3 during wet play? Board games suitable for 7 - 9 year olds, puzzles, and K’Nex or other construction games would be much appreciated.

If you have any questions or comments, the first port of call is the class teacher. Please  use the home school diary to communicate messages.

We’re really excited about the year ahead and are sure your children will love the many topics covered in Year 3. We are looking forward to meeting you.

Miss J Hurtado – Year 3H (Tues-Fri), Reading Lead, Display and Library Lead

Ms T Rautenbach – Year 3R, Music Lead

Year 3 Team