Year 2

Please check the school Covid-19 information on the home page as some year group details may have changed.

Welcome to Year 2

You will find lots of useful information about life in Year 2 on this page. Please remember to also check our Google Classroom for other useful information. We would like to draw your attention to the attached Handbook for KS1 and KS2.  

Entering the classroom and being picked up

Children will be dropped off and collected from the classroom door. Please be patient with us as we get to know you. If your child is in The Hive or other after school clubs or activities, please see their information details for collection.

Labelled belongings

Year 2 children will be responsible for looking after their own personal belongings.  Please ensure that everything is clearly labelled, including book bags, jumpers, coats, PE kits, water bottles and stationery.

 Missing items may be located in the lost property bins situated throughout the school.

Water bottles & other equipment

Your child should bring in a water bottle each day.  Please remind them to collect it each afternoon to take home to be washed. Normally in Year 2, the school would provide stationery equipment. However, due to the current situation we want to reduce the amount of shared equipment in class. Therefore we would like your child to bring in the following items in a named pencil case: writing pencils, sharpener, coloured pencils, coloured pens, scissors, glue (please no coloured glues), 30 cm ruler & a packet of tissues. It would also be a good idea to have some hand sanitiser if possible.

It would be preferable for children to have book bags rather than rucksacks in Year 2.

Home Learning

Children in Year 2 can expect to have home learning each week.  We expect children to spend a maximum of 20 minutes a night on home learning - including reading. Initially, children will receive spelling home learning once a week based on a spelling pattern that they are learning.  This will go out on a Friday and be due back on the following Friday. You will receive a paper copy but it will also be put on our Google Classroom. Later in the term, the children will receive home learning for a range of other subjects as well. Depending on the task, you will often receive a paper copy of this task. 

It is important children still read regularly aloud to an adult. It is helpful to make reading part of your daily routine. When your child reads to you, please note it down in the reading record book. In Year 2, the children will be able to change their reading books themselves. We will give them the chance to do this on a Tuesday and a Friday. We will check the reading record books on a Friday for any comments from parents. Please can you support your child in remembering to bring their reading books to school on these days. 

Some children find it hard to adjust to doing school work at home. Please encourage them to give it a try and make it part of your routine. This will help them get used to the idea of doing school work at home. 

Phonics and Spelling

Phonics and Spelling is an essential aspect of learning to read and write and will remain a key element of the Year 2 timetable.  Children in Year 2 will continue to build on the phonics knowledge they developed in Year 1.

The year will start with a recap of sounds already learned (Phases 2 to 5) before moving onto Phase 6 spelling patterns and common exception words the remainder of the year. 

Common Exception Words

Children in Year 2 should be able to spell most of the common exception words by the end of the year. These are words which do not follow the common phonetic spelling rules of the language, or where the usual rules act in an unusual way. 


We went to Richmond Park to support our work in science. We were investigating some of the different habitats you can find in the park. 


This term we are learning about maps in geography. We visited Richmond Park to create sketch maps of what we could see. After talking about the best way to draw a map, we had a second go. 




Curriculum Overview 

Take a look at what your children will be learning over the course of the year. 

Y2 Curriculum Map 2023-24.pdf

Year 2, Autumn 1 - Knowledge Organisers

These are the knowledge organisers are accompany the units we will be teaching in Autumn 1. Please look through these with your children, taking note of new vocabulary and key information. 

Year 2, Autumn 2 - Knowledge Organisers

Year 2, Spring 1 - Knowledge Organisers

These are the knowledge organisers are accompany the units we will be teaching in Spring 1. Please look through these with your children, taking note of new vocabulary and key information. 

Year 2, Spring 2 - Knowledge Organisers

Year 2, Summer 1 - Knowledge Organisers

These are the knowledge organisers are accompany the units we will be teaching in Summer 1. Please look through these with your children, taking note of new vocabulary and key information. 

Parent Help

We would really appreciate parent help listening to readers and helping children with their maths and phonics. Please see the class teacher if you are able to help with hearing children read, taking small groups, going on school outings, special days etc.  At St Paul's, we are always grateful for any support you can provide.

Wet Play Games

Do you have any games that would be suitable for Year 2 during wet play?  Board games suitable for 6-7 year olds, puzzles, and K’Nex or other construction games would be much appreciated.

If you have any questions or comments, the first port of call is the class teacher. Please  use the home school diary to communicate messages.

We’re really excited about the year ahead and looking forward to teaching your children.

Mrs R Randell – Deputy DSL, Year 2 Sycamore, Mathematics Lead, PPG Lead 

Miss C Jones – Year 2 Chestnut, Design and Technology Lead

Year 2 Team