Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

We are looking forward to welcoming your children into Year 4 in September and would like to draw your attention to the attached Handbook for KS1 and KS2 Parents. 

Year 4 visit Kingston Mosque - How do Muslims show commitment to Islam?

On Tuesday 16th April, Year 4 visited the Kingston Mosque as part of our learning about Islam in RE.  We were warmly welcomed and the children had a chance to learn about different parts of the mosque, as well as finding out how Muslims prepare for prayer.  We had the opportunity to write some Arabic characters and children from year 4 were able to share some of their knowledge of Islam.

In year 4, as an introduction to our new summer 1 topic, How and Why Do Muslims Uphold Their Faith By Giving Commitment To Allah? we visited Kingston Mosque. We went into the prayer hall and learnt how Muslims worship. We saw the mihrab, which is an ornamental, semi-circular shape in the wall of the  mosque that marks the direction of the qiblahthe direction facing Mecca, which Muslims face during prayer. Some of us recited prayers and others were able to stand on the Minbar where we were able to practice a speech. 

We also went to the ablutions area, where we found out about the important ritual of wudu (washing before prayers) We wrote in Arabic and also learnt about some Islamic traditions.

Year 4 is an exciting year where the children explore different authors and write exciting stories, engage in maths challenges and includes their first residential trip to Hooke Court in Dorset where they can really immerse themselves in their learning about Romans, Anglo Saxons and Celts.  We also take swimming lessons at a nearby pool, visit the local Mosque and so much more… 

If it is anything like last year it promises to be a very busy and exciting year indeed!  Here are just a few remainders about the start of the year.

Year 4 have already been up to Richmond Park this term.  We have sketched some trees after looking at the landscapes of David Hockney.

Hooke Court - March 2024

Year 4 had a fantastic trip away at Hooke Court in Dorset.    We did a range of activities including: den building, making onegars, mosaic making, Roman games, dressing a Roman soldier, Roman cooking and making Roman jewellery.  All the children joined in and made some amazing creations, as well as, learning about the lives of the Romans.  We look forward to sharing our spectacular pieces at exhibition evening in the summer term.

At Richmond Park - sketching trees after learning about David Hockney's landscapes.

Year 4 have already been up to Richmond Park this term.  

We have sketched some trees after looking at the landscapes of David Hockney.

Curriculum Overview 

Take a look at what your children will be learning over the course of the year. 

Year 4 Curriculum Map 2023-24.pdf

Year 4, Autumn 1 - Knowledge Organisers

These are the knowledge organisers are accompany the units we will be teaching in Spring 1. Please look through these with your children, taking note of new vocabulary and key information. 

Year 4, Autumn 2 - Knowledge Organisers

Year 4, Spring - Knowledge Organisers

These are the knowledge organisers are accompany the units we will be teaching in Spring. Please look through these with your children, taking note of new vocabulary and key information. 

Year 4, Summer - Knowledge Organisers

These are the knowledge organisers are accompany the units we will be teaching in Summer. Please look through these with your children, taking note of new vocabulary and key information. 


We would appreciate it if you could ensure that your children have the correct equipment they will need each day. Useful equipment to have in a pencil case includes:

Please can we request their pencil cases are not too large as the children will need to keep them in their trays (not on the table tops).

It is your child’s responsibility to look after their equipment and to inform you when something needs replacing. Please keep an eye on the glue in particular. Please ensure items are named wherever possible as other children might have similar equipment.


P.E Kit

P.E kit should arrive on the first day of school in a labelled P.E bag. It must remain at school all week as sometimes outdoor P.E can be flexible due to wet weather. As in year 3, it should consist of the following:

Water Bottles

As we are trying to discourage the use of ‘single-use’ plastic bottles in the classroom it would be much appreciated if you could ensure that your children bring a sturdy refillable water bottle into class each day.

If you have any questions or comments, the first port of call is the class teacher. Please  use the home school diary to communicate messages.

We’re really excited about the year ahead and looking forward to teaching your children.

Mrs I Carrington – Year 4R, Eco School Lead, Healthy Schools Lead, PSHE Lead

Mrs J Foskin – Year 4CF (Wed-Fri), RE co-Lead

Year 4 Team