Religious Education (RE)

At St Paul’s we are proud of all the work we do in our Religious Education (RE) lessons. RE lessons are varied and interesting to help the children develop tolerance and understanding, as well as appreciation, in a multi-faith country. We are proud to have received gold in the RE quality mark in 2018 as well as a grading of outstanding by SIAMS in 2019.  This demonstrates the outstanding quality of our RE teaching and learning at our school.

Each year group studies two main strands of RE

Learning about religion (AT1) – Children find out and discover the main beliefs of different faith communities and how people of different faiths demonstrate their belief.

Learning from religion (AT2) – Children consider the key aspects of a faith and reflect on how they might gain a better understanding of the world from it. 

Whole school overview for RE

Whole School Overview of RE_2020.docx.pdf

RE Easter theme day 

The whole school took part in this year's Easter theme day, which followed the Easter service at St Paul's church. We celebrated the children's work in an assembly the following day where each year group had the opportunity to share their part of the Easter story. 

Each year group focused on a particular section of the story and did activities about their piece  throughout the day, as you can see from the photos. It was a very enjoyable day and a delight to witness the array of wonderful work, including drama and art.

Mrs Foskin and Mrs Calvert

Easter Theme Day Assembly Presentation.pdf

Our Easter RE day was a great success, and all the children from reception to year 6 had a very enjoyable day  full of interesting and fun activities.

The day day began with Mr Rylett leading a lovely collective worship, which was a great introduction to our day. After that, the children went straight into their activities where each year group took a different part of the Easter story and focused on that for the day.

Easter story.pdf

There was such an amazing variety of activities in each year group, which ranged from drama to art to DT, among others.

We all gathered together in the hall at the end of the day to share our wonderful day of learning of this special Easter week.

Year 5 - Easter Experience

Year 5 visited the Cornerstone Church to learn more about Easter. Their  learning was structured in two different ways. Firstly, they had artefacts and evidence to unearth and establish how these pieces fitted together to tell the story of Easter. One investigation even involved shining a light in the dark to reveal hidden messages!

The second half of the afternoon involved being spectators in scenes from the Easter story. Actors invited us into  their various tableaux - the last supper…through to meeting the resurrected Christ. The children were so engaged and absorbed that ‘the  sobbing Mary Magdalene’, outside the empty tomb, brought tears to their eyes( teachers too)!

The children thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and were very grateful to ‘Insight’ for educating them and being so welcoming- the orange drink and a biscuit, went down very well!


RE lessons involve space for children to think and reflect on different aspects of life. They are encouraged to think about big questions. 

During their time at St Paul’s children will cover aspects of the six main religions – Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. Christian themes will be covered in every year group – plus units on other world views – following the SDBE syllabus. The whole SDBE syllabus was created in 2016 and was agreed with local leaders of the main religions.

There are also subjects that cover a theme and look at how different faith communities understand that theme. We hold special RE days including Christmas theme day and World View day, and recently introduced an Easter theme day and St Paul day. In Reception the children learn RE in weekly sessions that are linked to the learning they are doing that week, as well as the SDBE syllabus.

The children will be taught through a variety of strategies including drama, art and practical experience. Big questions are also posed and discussed in RE lessons e.g. 'Is violence ever an acceptable option in the face of prejudice and oppression?' 

RE Displays

RE is prominently displayed throughout our school, including the entrance hall, ‘Our growing tREe’ board, which showcases our theme days or term’s work and in individual classrooms. These are changed regularly according to the class topic.

Easter Theme day display 
Good deed tree-Islam year 4 
Judaism - Year 3

Saint Paul Theme Day

Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for human beings.

In 2021, we introduced our bi-annual theme day for our school saint - Saint Paul. The children spend a day focusing on the life of Saint Paul and his teaching.  We feel it is important that our whole school knows more about him and his journey of change as he is such an important figure to our community. 

St Paul’s Day 29th. June 2023.pdf

St Paul's Rock Snake

As part of our work supporting our whole school community during the Covid pandemic, we encouraged the children to reflect on their lockdown experience.

Everyone linked to our school were invited to decorate a rock and place it underneath our prayer tree.  Images on the rocks were linked to staying positive, having faith and our strongest memories. 

For this work, we received the Picture News Impact Award and proudly have our trophy on display in the entrance hall.

RE Competitions


Reception and KS1 ‘Showcase any religious faith in art form’

Younger pupils, with the support of their families, were given the opportunity to enter our first RE competition to ‘showcase any religious faith in art form.’  This was to help encourage our pupils to recognise the multi-faith society we live in and appreciate how wonderfully diverse we all are.  As part of the RE curriculum intent, we want to foster children who are appreciative of the world we live in, and who can make comparisons to other members of society and cultures.  Our specialist art teaching assistant, Mrs Troullides, chose the winNers and house points were rewarded.  We had some fantastic entries. Well done to Rosa, Adam and Noah in Year 1 for being the winners this year.

Workshops and Visits

We welcome visitors into our school as often as possible. If you have any contacts of those who may wish to come into school to speak with the children, please contact the school office.  Having a range of people from different faiths visiting the school, really livens up the lessons and is incredibly important for the children’s understanding. We welcome Insight, from the Cornerstone Church, who work with each class on a[JF1]  Christin based topic, as well as doing assemblies and running a Bible club, which is open to all.

Each year group tries to visit a place of worship or invite a parent in to talk about their faith. These visits include Year 6 visiting the Buddhist temple in Wimbledon; Year 4 visiting Kingston Mosque, Year 2 taking part in the Christmas Journey at the Cornerstone Church and Year 1 visiting the Synagogue.

Easter Theme Day

John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die."

In 2021, we introduced our first Easter theme day with each year group focusing on a part of the Easter story. After a successful implementation, this is now a yearly feature at our school. Rev. Rylett starts the day with a whole school collective worship and the whole school comes back together at the end of the day to share their learning. 

This day offers opportunities for the children to work creatively and take time to reflect about why Easter is an important Christian festival. 

Prayer Tree

Please take a look at our prayer tree on your next visit. Here you will find reflections and prayers from those across the whole school community – pupils, parents, staff and governors. Previously, we have held different themes (e.g. getting through the pandemic) but we now welcome anyone to share their thoughts about any issue which important to them. If you have any words which you would like to be shared on our prayer tree, please email the school office.​ 

Buddhist temple visit
Year 6 

What our children say

'I thought the temple resembled an ornate toy house encrusted with gold. I felt rather intimidated by the golden statues fixating me with a glare.'

'When I first saw the temple I was amazed at it. I felt like I was walking into a palace.' 

' When I entered the temple I looked around and saw lots of paintings on the walls of the Buddha's life.'

Hindu temple visit
Year 1 

What our children say

'The temple was an amazing place especially the gold and red painting. It was a very calming place to go.'

' I felt amazed by how beautiful the stunning temple was. All I could see was the beauty. I only felt positive.' 

RE Intent

By the end of EYFS

The starting point for RE in foundation stage is to start from the child’s own experience (implicit RE and lead children progressively to the SDBE units of work, which focus more on Explicit RE. The core concepts should include specialness (ourselves and the world), celebration (birthdays/ Christmas) and a Christian belief in Jesus.

Communication and language - Listening and attention 

To listen to stories, accurately anticipating key events and respond to what they hear with relevant comments, questions or actions. They give their attention to what others say and respond appropriately.

Understanding the world - People and communities

They know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions.

Autumn 1 - Knowledge Organisers for year groups

These are the knowledge organisers are accompany the units we will be teaching in Autumn 1. Please look through these with your children, taking note of new vocabulary and key information. 

Autumn 2 - Knowledge Organisers for year groups

These are the knowledge organisers are accompany the units we will be teaching in Autumn 2. Please look through these with your children, taking note of new vocabulary and key information. 

Summer 1 - Knowledge Organisers for year groups

These are the knowledge organisers are accompany the units we will be teaching in Summer 1. Please look through these with your children, taking note of new vocabulary and key information. 

By the end of KS1

By the end of KS2

Geoffrey Bear

Please look out for Geoffrey, our RE bear, who is used to help embed British Values at our school, the concept being a child friendly way to aid understanding and appreciation of other faiths and cultures. The idea is that our lovely, cuddly RE bear will go home with families at times when they have special, spiritual or religious events to attend.  Families are invited to take a photograph of the bear at the event/place of worship, which is then stored in his special folder.  A small piece of writing of often included to explain more about the event.  Both the bear and the book will remain in the entrance hall so that our whole school community can learn more about the world we live in and enjoy looking at what Geoffrey has been up to. In the past, he visited a mosque, a wedding in Germany, Easter celebrations, St Paul’s Church and a local Catholic church.  He would love to visit those places again, if you would like to take him.

Geoffrey Bear Letter.docx (1).pdf