
Lunes 1/11 - Due by midnight 1/11

Notebook Check 1: here

Monday Work: here

Martes 1/12 - Emotions / MFSP

GimKit: In-class review of Emotions, Adjectives, and Colors vocab (Infinity Mode)

Emotions: Review the emotions vocab (here) using this opinion-based powerpoint, telling me how you feel at each of the locations (here)

Masculine vs Femenine: Reviewed how to tell if a word is masculine or feminine, and practiced using this powerpoint here by identifying whether each word was masculine or femenine

  • Feminine = a, e, dad, mujer, madre

  • Masculine = o, e, consonants, agua

  • El, La, Los, Las = "The" (depending on the gender and plural/singular of the word it's attached to)

Adjectives: On your adjectives notes page in your notebook, draw a quick self-portrait of yourself as a stick figure. Then, review this slideshow here (slides 29-50) and write down only one word from each slide -- whichever one applies to you!


  1. here: For numbers 1-25, rewrite the adjective so that it matches the gender/number of the noun in parentheses. Example: Number 28 I would write "Faciles" because the noun is masculine and plural, so the adjective also needs to be masculine and plural.

  2. I am describing 4 people below. Using the words I list, draw beautiful stick figures to represent each description.

  • Alta, Bella, Pequeña, Divertida

  • Baja, Castaña, Feliz, Débil

  • Alto, Pelirrojo, Guapo, Fuerte

  • Bajo, Atlético, Débil, Artistico

Miércoles 1/13 - Adjective Practice

Bellwork: here (slide 3)

Homework Review: Checked the two assignments from yesterday

Dibuja: Draw these 3 people I describe here

Mini-project: Write your own in-depth description of a person for 5 minutes. Type up your description onto this slideshow here. Due in class.

Story: Read and translate this story as a class, slides 1-17 (here)

Homework: Finish reading this story (here), slides 17-end. After reading, complete 2 of the activities from this choiceboard here about the whole story.

Jueves 1/14 - El Zombi

Bellwork: slide 4 here

Homework Review: Summary of "El Crimen Malo" from yesterday

Notes: Sweet 16 -- slides 3-10 here (copy on a new page in your notebook, the definition and chart for each of these four verbs)

"El Zombi" - story found here. As a class, we filled in the blanks about the zombie, his girlfriend, and his enemy -- our answers can be found on the photo to the right.


  1. Quick draw -- based on our descriptions from class AND anything else you want to add, dibuja John el zombi, su novia, y su enemigo Tommy.

  2. Once you have drawn the three characters from number one, I want you to create a flipgrid here where you show each character AND describe them IN SPANISH. Tell me their name, age, appearance, personality, favorite color -- anything you want! Your FlipGrid video should be at least 1.5 minutes long (30 seconds to show and describe each character). **I am the only one who can see these videos!

Viernes 1/15 - Pop Quiz, Greetings

Bellwork: slide 5 here

Review: GimKit review of adjectives, sweet 16, colors, and emotions

Pop Quiz: If you were absent, contact me to set up a time to take this listening quiz

Sweet 16 Notes: Gustar - to like

  • Me gusta (I like), Te gusta (you like), Le gusta (he/she likes), Nos gusta (we like), Les gusta (they like)

Practice: Using the word "pulpo" (octopus), we created sentences as a class using each of the 5 sweet 16 verbs we learned so far. Example sentences can be found below:

  • El pulpo está triste.

  • El pulpo no es mi familia.

  • Tengo un pulpo en mi cabeza (head).

  • El pulpo va al parque.

  • Mis pulpos les gustan papas fritas.

Practice 2: Do the same activity we did as a class, but do it on your own. Use the word "payaso" (clown) this time with each of these 5 verbs (tener, ser, ir, estar, gustar). This is the exit ticket and needed to be sent to me before the end of class.

Homework: Notebook check 2 due by midnight on Tuesday