Scientology is a relatively new belief system. It was created in the mid 20th century by L. Ron Hubbard. His ideas about scientology came from his writing. Hubbard was a science fiction author and published books based on theories that humans are kept from reaching their full potential because of traumatic metal images stored in our memories. He then published the book Dianetics, in which Hubbard outlines and explains techniques to overcome the traumatic memories. Quickly after Hubbard created Scientology based off his ideas about mental and spiritual healing. Over the years Scientology has become more and more well known. The Church has said they have approximately 10 million members but that was back in 2014. By now the number has certainly increased.
Scientology has created much controversy in the past as well as our current times. Mainly over the big argument, whether it is a religion or a cult. Scientology is a legally recognized as a religion in the United States along with only seven other countries. However, besides Scientologists, which are the members of the Church of Scientology, most people view Scientology as a cult. Amy Scobee, an ex-scientologist, was interviewed about her experience in the Church of Scientology. She said, “my realization that I had just spent 27 years of my life supporting what I now realize is a dangerous cult—a so-called "religion" hides behind its status as a "church" to cover up crimes and major human rights violations. ” The question of Scientology as a cult or religion is still discussed today, especially with the factor that major celebrities like Tome Cruise and John Travolta are involved in Scientology.
Church of Scientology believes that a human is an immortal, spiritual being that is a resident in a physical body. They call the spiritual being a thetan and believe that the thetan has had many past lives. They also believe that the thetan had earlier lives before their arrival on Earth in extraterrestrial cultures. The thetan is separate and independent from the body and can leave and operate apart from the body. Instead of believing in original sin they believe in the intrinsic goodness of a being and that the spiritual essence has lost touch with nature.
Scientology they have these “one on one counseling” sessions, called auditing, where the member hold electrodes and the changes in electrical resistance are measured to detect if they are lying. Auditing is used to help solve their emotional problems and clear there emotional memories. All information from these sessions are recorded and stored. Before being able to join the Church of Scientology you have to sign a contract saying that when the aliens come to get them for there second life they are required to work for a billion years and not leave. They are also required to go to an auditing session where they ask you very personal questions and if you lie about your answer you are not allowed to join.