Assisted Suicide
Assisted Suicide: Right or Wrong?
Should doctors be allowed to help someone commit suicide? This seems to be an issue worldwide that many patients who are terminally ill are faced with. There are those who are pro assisted suicide and those who are against it. Many supporters of assisted suicide say that it is a way for these terminally ill patients to end their suffering in dignity. According to Howard Ball in the article “Euthanasia Should be Legal” from the Greenhaven Press he states that there are really only two choices these patients can choose. They can either suffer in a hospice until they die, or they can choose suicide. This is an enticing offer for those who have family members in this situation. It gives them a way to put their family members out of their misery and suffering.
One group in particular who opposes assisted suicide is actually the Roman Catholic Church. According to the article “Euthanasia Devalues Human Life and Limits Individual Freedom” from Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Catholics believe that any form of suicide assisted or not is an enormous offense against love for one's self. Whether people are religious or not, many people feel that we as human beings should realize that suicide is a horrible thing and we should work to prevent it. Another very valid point to oppose doctor assisted suicide, is that doctors are directly violating the Hippocratic Oath which states "I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan." Many argue, how can doctors be able to do this under this oath? Both viewpoints have very valid components of their arguments that we should consider.