Russian Hacking

Donald Trump will likely be impeached and removed from office due to the fact that he worked alongside Russia in hacking the 2016 presidential election. The CIA and its 17 intelligence agencies concluded that Russia hacked the 2016 presidential election. The Kremlin hacked the DNC server as well as the server of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, giving 33,000 emails to Wikileaks, who then released the information about Clinton for the country to see. The most damning information was the revelation of how she let four American citizens be killed by a terrorist group in Benghazi, Libya. In addition, Wikileaks released emails showing Hillary Clinton calling Catholics "severely backwards," Jews "bastards," as well as calling former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson and former Energy Secretary Federico Rena as "needy Latinos." She was also insulting southerners in her emails. She called CNN anchor Jake Tapper a profane name and Bernie Sanders supporters "self-righteous whiners." It was also shown that Hillary Clinton gave Bernie Sanders no chance of winning.

The Kremlin gave these emails to Wikileaks to ensure Donald Trump won due to economic sanctions Barack Obama placed on Russia due to Vladimir Putin's major human rights violations. There is lots of evidence showing that Trump worked alongside the Russians to hack the election. He continually refused to admit it was them, saying it could be "some 400 pound fat guy in his basement." Also, he defended Putin when asked about his regime, stating, "There are a lot of killers. You think our country's so innocent?" Other examples include him firing the FBI Director, James Comey, the National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, being involved with the Russians and Trump telling Comey before and after Flynn was fired that was an innocent, good man. In addition, Trump and his administration have done lots of business with Russia and may be in debt to them. Later, he met with Trump Jr., met with the Russian embassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak, and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, claiming they were discussing ISIS. Lastly, his son, Donald Trump Jr., met with Russian officials to discuss acquiring dirt on Hillary Clinton. There is lots of evidence and there is a very good chance that President Donald Trump will be impeached for hacking the election alongside the Russians.