Yoga Camp 2014

Monday, July 28

We had a wonderful first day together! We shared our favorite animals and practiced being animals with our bodies. We learned several ways to breathe, including dragon's breath. We pretended to be the sun high in the sky, setting and rising high again. We learned about the Peace Builder Jane Goodall and played a game reinforcing WE ARE peace builders! Our craft was plastic lanyards. We worked on the box stitch to remember we can ALWAYS think outside the box! Looking forward to Day 2. We'll practice Healthy Choices on Tuesday and celebrate the colors yellow and green.

Let us know if you have questions. Thank you for sharing your children with us!

D'Etta Broam and Val Byrd Fort

Tuesday, July 29

Today we explored TREES! We experienced roots growing down and branches reaching high. We discussed how trees breathe and how we're really a lot like trees. We need the strong roots so we won't get blown down by the storms of life! We need to reach high and reach out to help others, to make the world a better place like only we can do it. We practiced healthy choices, life affirming vs. self-destructive. We tried Smoothies for our snack. Some found that delish, evident by the smoothie mustaches, and others thought it a bit gross . . . If you'd like to try a smoothie at home, Mrs. Byrd Fort's recipe is: blueberries, pitted dates, spinach, banana--mix with water and BLEND.

Our Peace Builder today was Professor Wangari Maathai of The Greenbelt Movement. Here's a video Mrs. Byrd Fort shared:

It's a wonderful lesson about how we all need to do the BEST we can.

Tomorrow we'll be discussing how to get along with others and what to do when it's difficult to get along. We'll be emphasizing our "circle of control" -- I'm in charge of what I think, where I look, what I say, how I feel and what I do.

We hope you can join us on Thursday @ 11:30 for our GRAND FINALE. We'll be sharing the good stuff we've been learning, and we'd love for you to celebrate with us if your schedule allows.

I shared with the kiddos the website for more yoga adventures with Mrs. Broam: and also the Mrs. Broam YouTube Channel to have some yoga fun online.

Please let us know if you have any questions! We appreciate the opportunity to learn and g-r-o-w with your kiddos this week,

D'Etta Broam and Val Byrd Fort