Moving Like the Sun, Holiday Style
Sun Salutations are a GIFT
mountain to extended mountain--unroll the wrapping paper
forward fold-fold paper around present
halfway lift and lengthen--oops! pull out the wrinkles
forward fold-neatly fold around the present
plank--pull the tape in tape dispenser
knees, chest, updog--tear the tape
down dog--stick on the tape on package, hold it in place to make sure it sticks
forward fold--turn present right side up
halfway lift and lengthen-pull ribbon around
forward fold--knot and pull ribbon tight
reverse swan dive-smooth ribbon, curl and
mountain--now present is ready to go under the tree!
Breathe into your SANTA Belly -- Breathe deeply! Work your diaphragm, not your shoulders. The diaphragm is the sheathe of muscle that separates the breathing parts from the digesting parts of you. Breathe deeply and think more clearly this HO! HO! HOliday!