Humble Warrior + Eagle Arms --> Half Moon

(1) This is a humble warrior. My teacher references a "hood ornament" when describing how you feel as you hold this pose with your body!

(2) Lengthen the torso and add the Eagle arms. Whatever leg is forward, put that arm on the bottom. Park the other elbow in the arm crease and twist forearms. I lost the bend of my knee in this picture, try not to lose yours. Take a deep inhale and . . .

(3) Exhale and lower. Inhale as you lift, tighten the tummy to protect the low back area, and repeat. You can lift and lower 3 times, 5 times, 10 times. Challenge yourself!

(4) Float to half moon after the last lower. I did not have a block available so I tried this "no hand" half moon. You can balance on your hand, supporting directly under the shoulder.

(5) Repeat on these moves on the opposite side!