Moving Like the Sun in the Pool

Begin with palms together, thumbs to heart, breathing in and out.

Breathe in and reach your hands overhead. Squeeze your tummy muscles to protect the low back.

On the exhale, sit back into the chair. Tuck your tailbone. No J-Lo back-halfs!

Inhale and step back with the right leg for a lunge. Bent knee is over ankle. Feel the stretch in the extended calf muscle.

Breathe out and bring the feet together for a plank. Breathe in and out several breaths while strengthening in plank. Say out loud, "I am strong!" "I got this!" "Bring on a challenge!" "I am enough!"

Breathe out as you bend your elbows and lower your body to the pool wall.

Breathe in for your snake.

Exhale to wall dog.

Inhale to a lunge with the right foot forward. Bent knee over ankle.

Breathe out to the chair.

Breathe in as you reach arms overhead.

Exhale hands together, thumbs to heart!