Kevin Karcher

Story by Kevin Karcher, Seattle WA, USA

In 1973 I was 17 years old and had been an intense Creedence fan since hearing "Bayou Country" from my older sister's record collection years earlier. Several times a year I was in the S.F.Bay area seeing my father. I decided I was going to meet and shake hands with this John C. Fogerty who gave me such musical pleasure over the years. I started out by going to Fantasy records at 10th and Parker in Berkeley and I think someone told me of the approximate area in the industrial part of town where the "factory" was. I don't remember exactly how alot of how this happened being over 20 years ago, but somehow I snooped and asked around enough to find it. (Alot of these actions would probably be considered stalking today.) I knocked on the door and asked the guy who answered if John was around. I think he might have sized up the situation, because he said, "no, but come on in and look around". The "guy" turned out to be Jake Roher, a friend who worked with John and the band.

I'd died and gone to heaven of course asking all sorts of questions and looking around all the while still trying to figure when John might be there. He was extremely decent and patient with me I remember. I can only imagine what I must of sounded like. As I was ready to leave he gave me a number and said to call it next time I was in town! Imagine! I held onto that number like gold and some months later I called. Jake answered and said he remembered me and where was I? A phone booth at some store and he said he had some errands to run and would pick ME up on the way! Wow, what timing. Sure enough he pulls up shortly. The only thing I remember about the errands was going to the bank. This was the days before ATM's and Saturday openings and it was the Friday before a long 4th of July weekend. There was a line out the door and part way down the block. Jake asked me if I can drive a stick, I nodded and he said he'd be right back. I got around the block 1 time and he was back! I'll never forget what he said - Kevin, money doesn't talk, it screams!. I found out later he had deposited a sizable check into John's account. Then he nonchalantly asked if I wanted to meet John. Yes! We drive up to his office, a house really, and walk in and there is John doing some paperwork calm as can be. Not like my insides of course. Jake said he had somemore to do and left us alone for an hour or so. I don't really remember anything specific we talked about, I was just pretty much living in the moment and very impressed and appreciative how John seemed to drop what he was doing and talk to this kid. Totally unpretentious, genuine, and truly a nice guy. In fact that stays with me the most I think how both of them must have picked up some (real) vibe from me how much I appreciated what was happening to me. They were both so accommodating and just plain nice.

About a year and a half later I called again and went over and John played me the 'John Fogerty' album that was about to be released. I remember it was an actual vinyl album with no label in the middle. Same totally calm and (I wish there were a better word but) nice.

I never saw him again but will always remember it and like to think someday I could tell him in person how much of an honor it was to meet him as a kid now I'm older than he was at the time!

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